Chapter 2: The New Charge

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A/N: I will not usually post two chapters at once, or even one week. This was simply because I had nothing to do today! Also Most of the book will be in Draco's POV, if it's in Harry's POV it will be rare and short, but it will happen. There will also be other character's POVs later. Enjoy reading!

All my instincts were put into overdrive as I knelt down. I turned around and motioned for the rest of the class to do the same. Shock made them move. I smirked slightly secretively before turning back to the little tyke known as Harry Potter.

"Hey." I reached out and stroked his mop of curls gently. "You're okay. You're okay." I kept repeating my mantra in an effort to calm him. Eventually, his loud sobs shifted into quiet sniffles. He studied his surrounding slowly, his face contorting into a look of confusion when he didn't recognize the room. He hummed softly, and his breathing hiccuped slightly when he couldn't seem to find what he was looking for.

"Mmm..." He fixed his tear-filled gaze to me. He seemed content to stay in the clothes and squirmed to get more comfortable. I lifted my hand, but his eyes widened when he felt the weight on his head disappear. Before I could even react to his eyes, Potter slapped his tiny hands onto my hand and held it tightly to his head. "No..."

"Malfoy! Let him be already!" The Weasel shouted from his seat as he glared at me.

"I'm not doing anything, Weasel. He's the one holding my hand on his head!"

"Stop yelling!" McGonagall silenced the class. She sighed quietly. "Class is dismissed. Please leave quietly and calmly."

I started to protest. "But-"

"Mr. Malfoy, you may stay. Everyone else, leave immediately."

"Wait! What about us?! We're his best friends." The Weasel was almost as red as his hair.

Granger elbowed him to silence him, but Blaise and Pansy felt the same as the Weasel. They didn't want to leave until they knew what was happening.

McGonagall sighed and nodded her consent. "But everyone else must leave."

I felt my shoulders relax as the tension in the room lessened. Then the Weasel charged over...only to have Blaise headlock him. My eyes widened in surprise.

"Let me go!"

Blaise rolled his eyes. "Why don't you slow your roll. You're scaring your best friend."

We all looked over to Potter. His eyes had filled again, and he was peering up at him through wet eyelashes. I couldn't help myself and pulled him into my lap with his T-shirt still on him, then let my gaze wander to the Professor when he relaxed.

"I've contacted Professor Snape, and he's on his way over." She faced away from my group of friends and enemies and studied me. "Well, seeing as he seems to like you, Mr. Malfoy, you will be in charge of Mr. Potter until the potion is brewed."

I blinked. "Huh?"

"As sad and annoyed as I am to agree, I do agree with McGonagall."

Everyone swiveled around, noticing Snape for the first time. His eyebrow rose to impressive heights. "Don't gawk. Just because you noticed the giant shadow behind you doesn't mean-"

"Severus." McGonagall's eyes narrowed. "Don't finish that sentence."

Snape's mouth twisted into a scowl. "So what happened to Potter this time?"

"Mm! No Pottah!"

The group and I stared at the boy. He was glaring, well trying to, at Snape. Granger knelt down next to me.

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