Chapter 8: Wonder What Happened?

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A/N: So..............I am so sorry. School started up again an I have five college classes two of which are condensed and have seven papers for due within the next two weeks, BUT I decided to get my shit together and not prolonge your agony. (It's also going to be much shorter than the others, but I will be keeping them to around 1000 words from here on out). So here's the next chapter!


An appalling scream snapped Draco awake. Sunlight streamed through the crack he had been sleeping in with Hadri-where was Hadrian? He jumped up and out of the tree and looked around the area frantically.


Draco searched with his eyes once more before turning and looking around the tree they had slept in earlier. "Hadri-" He voice caught in his throat when he finally sighted him.

There were big, gloopy tears filling the Tot's eyes as he struggled in the hold of the man holding him tightly. Dumbledore's hold.

Draco's POV

He didn't think it was possible for him to think of a panic attack nevermind have one, but that was what was happening. Right at the moment when he should be saving the little tyke. He chest constricted and tightened more at the thought. He needed to save Hadrian.

Or maybe not, Draco thought as he watched the 'old' Headmaster's eyes roll back when a spell from behind hit his spine. Draco wasted no time in racing towards Hadrian - his lungs be damned. He held the tot tightly as he sobbed into his robe soaking it through. Draco simply held and rocked him, murmuring softly, his airways finally opening.

His head snapped up and his shoulders tensed at the sound of a branch breaking. When he focused in on the crop of short hair and the bush next to her, Draco relaxed. "How did he find us?"

Pansy shook her head. "We have no clue. One minute we were sleeping, next awake but not able to move and right behind him." She muttered in annoyance as she nodded to Dumbledore.

"Ow! Yeah, well let's not wait until he wakes up and we..." Weasely frowned as he stumbled through the few bushes. "What?" Gra-Hermione rolled her eyes.

"He's already bound and unconscious. We didn't mask our tracks in the first place or make a portkey or anything that would've helped up in the long run."

"We 'av kee. Prewty 'n shwiny." Draco glanced down at the blubbering toddler in confusion, then back up to the small band of stragglers.

"What do you mean, bud?"

"Mommy says my kee prewty an' shwiny. Jus' like my eyes!" A big crinkly smile bloomed on Hadrian's face. Draco didn't know how he stopped himself from squeezing the air out of his lungs, which still hurt.

Blaise knelt down next to them. "Do you know where put the portkey?" He smiled when Hadrian grinned and nodded. "That's good. Good. Can you tell us?"

"NOpe!" Hadrian giggled.

Draco then recalled how frustrated he was with the boy when he was his normal age. The toddler version was worse. Much worse. "Can you please?" He hated to resort to begging the child.

Hadrian's brow scrunched. "Only you pwomise to keep it a secwret. Okay?"

Draco nodded with a solemnity only he could manage. "Yes."

Hadrian smiled. "Kay! Hold hands." Draco blinked, before nodding to his friends. They quickly formed a circle and held hands. (No one commented on the blushing faces of anyone.)

"We wready?" Draco nodded with a half-smile. Confusion on his face. What on earth were they doing?

"We go home now!" Hadrian yelled in Draco's ear. He had just enough time to see the flash in Hadrian's eyes before the world went white.

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