Chapter 10: End Of The Beginning: A Love So Little

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A/N: Hey everyone. So this is the last chapter of this book. I apologize for how late it is - writer's block is the scourge of all authors. Anyway, please enjoy this last chapter! ALSO - please read the last note at the end. It will detail information about this book and the next I will be working on. Enjoy!

Draco POV

Draco was this close to strangling Blaise. Or Pansy. Maybe both of them. Either way they were driving him mad. They had been teasing and nagging him for the last week about him.

He trekked his way to the Great Hall at seven in the morning. He smirked to himself, proud of his genius as neither of his friends were able to open their eyes past eight. Draco swung open the great doors with gusto...and froze. A shocked silence came with his dropped jaw. Pansy and Blaise were both seated in the Great Hall eating oatmeal from the look of it - next to the Golden Trio at the Ravenclaw table. He couldn't even comprehend what he was staring at.

"Hey! Lazy arse! Hurry up and eat! We've been waiting for you so we can finally head out to Hogsmead!" Blaise shouted with glee written on his face.

Draco couldn't decide if he wanted to run away from the group, or towards them so he he strangle Blaise. He took a step forward before scowling and trudged over slowly. He almost smirked at the slightly paler facade of his Italian friend.

Draco sat down harshly, shaking the bench and breathed out slowly...before smacking Blaise on the back of the head and into his oatmeal. Draco grinned as he watched Blaise splutter and cough while sending a glare his way.

Pansy and Granger sipped demurely at their tea a seat away from the boys (they were not men no matter what they said) and chatted quietly to each other. Draco just stared at them dumbfounded for a moment. When had they gotten close?  He shook his head and began gathering breakfast items on his plate.

Ro-Weasley was scarfing down...whatever was on his mess of a plate in such a fashion one would believe he hadn't eaten for a month. He hadn't. Draco had watched him eat three helpings of dinner last night. And that included part of Harry's! Draco froze as he placed the egg ladle back in the pan. Not that he was watching them...

Granger huffed slightly. "He's late."

Draco put his plate down and began eating. He didn't care. He didn't even know who they were talking about. Nope.

Weasley swallowed (*cough* choked) and beat his chest for a moment before replying. " He said he was going to be a little late," he turned to his plate once more and whispered to Granger before shoveling more food into his mouth. "He wanted to finish his 'gift' for you know who."

One of Granger's brows rose slowly up into a perfect arc. "You-Know-Who? When has Harry had time to exchange gifts with the Dark Lord." She leaned closer to Weasley. "Who I believe we defeated, remember?"

Pansy rolled her eyes and lightly smacked Granger's arm. "Not him, him."

"Oh. Right."

Draco glanced back at Blaise, but he looked just as confused as he did. He decidedly ignored the rest of the conversation before he stood up and tried to leave. Key word was tried.

"Draco, where are you going?"

Draco nearly pulled his hair out. "I'm going outside seeing as this is one of free days, Pansy." He turned and hurried to the doors.

"Hey! Wait for us!"

Draco acted like he couldn't hear them and ran in the direction of the Black Lake as soon as he cleared the doors.

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