Chapter 5: Hi Mom

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A/N: I am soooooooo unbelievably sorry about the late chapter! School started recently (as most some of you know), and I've been busy! So without further ado here's the next chapter. Enjoy!

Draco POV

Draco sighed heavily as he opened the door to the Malfoy safehouse. A blur sped past him towards the girls and hugged them tightly. He smirked lightly at the girls' expressions upon realizing that it was his mother who was hugging them so tightly.

"Oh thank goodness! We were afraid you wouldn't arrive on time." She smashed the girls' heads together in a painful-seeming hug. Pansy and Hermione were struggling against her iron grip to no avail.

Draco shifted Hadrian from one shoulder to the next as he slowly moved out of the way of the door. He knew what was coming. He nearly broke his form when he saw the girls angry faces upon noticing their friends laughing in extreme amusement.

"Stop laughing!" Pansy was red in the face, which inevitably didn't help her situation in the least.

"Yeah, it's not that funny! Would you be laughing if you were in our situation?!"

His mother frowned slightly as she lightened up on her 'hug'. "I resent that remark. You both enjoyed that - don't deny it."

Draco chuckled as they entered the house; humming in thought. They had two seconds left...

"Cissa? Cissa! Are they here yet? You just left me in the middle of-" His dad turned the corner; his face beginning to beam when he saw them. Confused faces crossed each of the two Trios faces (except for Draco and Hadrian of course). They stood in silence for a moment.

"Why is he smiling at us..." Weasley swished his hands nervously.

Blaise shrugged and moved towards the dark silver and black couch settled in the living room. "I don't think I've ever seen him sm-" His speech cut off from the tumultuous movement of Ron crashing into him from the force of Lord Malfoy's hug...body hug.

Draco couldn't hold in his laughter anymore at that point. His shaking woke the boy in his arms, who mumbled and clutched his shirt tightly before relaxing them, but only barely. "Mine D-dwaco.." He yawned and leaned his head against his guardian. "Whar we?"

Draco bent his head unnoticeably and spoke quietly into Hadrian's little ear. "We're at my parent's house. Far, far away from-"

"Draco darling? Did you hear me?"

He snapped his head up and glanced at the group staring at him. "No...sorry. I was about to explain where we were to this sleeping bundle that I'm currently holding." Hadrian somehow caught on to the sarcastic bit at the end and thumped his chest with a small fist and an annoyed expression. Draco frowned slightly. "Don't pout. I will put you down." Chuckles filled the room at the horrified look that graced the little boy's face.

"As I was saying, your message was very vague. What exactly happened at school two days ago?"

Draco exchanged glances with his friends (both new and old). They nodded solemnly. Draco turned to his parents. "It's a long story. You might want to sit down. When everyone was seated comfortably on the couches he began his recolection starting from that moment.


All the strength in the world couldn't have pulled Hadrian (finally said it right!) out of Draco's black silk-clad, pale arms. They were clenched around the small boy like a vise. Draco was never more thankful for his friends than at that moment (and ok maybe - maybe the Golden Trio wasn't too bad either) as they surrounded the two of them from the watchful eyes of the Headmaster. The dual-eyed child shook in his arms, and Draco glanced at the professors in front of them; Severus specifically.

Severus was rapidly becoming more and more white as the seconds ticked by. He had glanced at Hadrian with widening eyes before slyly moving in front of Hadrian and Draco. Run he mouthed before reciting a fog-inducing spell.

A/N: Just thought I'd let any of you who are still reading this shitty as hell book - I'm only going to make it 10 chapters at the least! (Though that's probably the max as well...actually 11 is). But Please let me know if you're liking the book! I appreciate comments! Also sorry about the extra paragraphs (I erased them) I didn't even realize they were there!

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