Chapter 4: Avada Kedavra Green

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A/N: Sooo most of the chapters will not be as long as chapter 3...and this one will be shorter than usual...just to let you guys know. Also thanks for all the views! I wasn't expecting to have this many readers, maybe like 10 to 30, but not 200+. Thank you for reading my shitty story! Enjoy reading the next chapter! Sorry it's so late!

Draco POV

"Wait!" Granger interrupted. Draco could see the annoyance rising to Severus' face. "What does that have to do with Har-Hadrian's last name though. I thought that was what you were going to answer."

"I was until you so rudely spoke out to the atmosphere. Continuing on," Severus purposefully ignored Granger's now red face. "A long story short, they got pregnant. I was with Lupin, while Lily was with Black during the birth. I...I was never actually able to see their baby seeing as I had to leave..." His right hand gently held his left arm, and everyone understood his unspoken implication. "I found out later that Lupin had named me as one of his godfathers...I received this news the morning of the day before the Potter's were murdered."

Slowly Draco nodded his head in understanding. Blaise, Pansy, and Granger nodded soon after. Weasley stared at him with a befuddled expression.

"I still don't get it. How does that make him have your name?"

"Gosh Ron, pay attention. The Potter's died. Hadrian was probably being babysat by the Potter's on the night they died, which is why Remus went into hiding when Siri-" She paused and glanced at Hadrian before continuing. "Black went to Azkaban...............though now that you say it something doesn't add up.

If Hadrian's parents were still alive, then why was he given to the Dursley's and not his parents or-or even you? Why was his given the name Potter?"

Draco frowned and held the fidgeting child in his lap tighter to his body. It was true. Why was he given to his (now) not-real-family? He and Severus' eyes met and the man sighed.

"That I don't know. I also just figured out who 'Mr. Potter' actually was, in case none of you can recall a few hours ago." He spoke dryly as he studied the group around his being with his expression of a dead fish almost palpable.

Draco noticed the visible swallows from everyone around him. He peered over the edge of his nose to the small bright-eyed, though seemingly confused child. So the mystery was only halfway solved - great. So far they had Hadrian's birth fitted onto the puzzle board, but everything after that is missing. He resisted the urge to sigh heavily. This was becoming something he didn't think anyone wanted to ponder right now.

Pomfrey came into the room followed by a neutral-faced, but distressed McGonagall. She kept glancing up at her friend, then to Hadrian before they stood before the congregated mesh of misfits. McGonagall rang her hands together as Pomfrey began to speak.

"Ehem...Severus as you already know what I am to say, this will simply be a rehitoration." She turned to everyone else. "What I'm about to say will not leave this room, and will not leave the confines of your being, is this understood?" Draco nodded. The way she spoke left no room for argument. "Good. The details pertaining to Mr. Potter's situation show that he is healthy, as I had told you earlier. However, it also brought up arather...difficult subject that we, as Proffessors, have to broach."

"And what would that be?" Pansy placed her chin in her palm as a barlely suppressed (not suppressed at all) bored expression filled out over her face.

Draco shifted as his attention was brought back to Pomfrey. Hadrian hadn't moved very much since he'd taken up residence in his lap. It was a bit disconcerting for him.

"I'm getting to it Miss Parkinson. As you all well known, or at least I should hope so, Mr. Potter lived with muggles after the death of the Potters. What most people don't know, though, is that he was beaten to almost an inch of his life soon after he arrived due to a display of accidental magic." She looked pointedly at Draco now. "Which is quite possibly why he's stayed quiet and still throughout our little 'chat'. He's been too nervous to move about."

The voices that had begun to rise due to the information that had been brought up died down the instant they realized just how quiet little Hadrian had been. He stared up at them frightened and his lower lips trembled.

"Am in twouwble? Cawn 'ee momma now?"

Draco felt his heart clench at the boy's softly spoken words. How could he tell the child that his 'momma' had died years ago?! And that he was under a spell that an idiot did? He shook his head. He realized that he would just have to figure it out as he spoke.

"No, you're not in trouble. We're just trying to figure out who to put you with so you won't get hurt."

Hadrian's cheeks transformed into an angry red before he clutched Draco's robe in his hand tightly and pouted. "Wanna say wif My Dwaco!"

"Oh, that won't be possible, my dear boy. Mr. Malfoy has something else he needs to do." A ragged voice broke in sending shivers down Draco's spine. He knew that voice. "But I have another option for you. You'll like it much better I'm sure. And as I know your relatives are so excited for your return home as you've told me many times, I've decided to send you home early because the potion won't be finished until after summer break anyway." Everyone slowly faced the elderly man with a dark twinkle in his eye; trepedition beginning to settle in their stomaches. Draco even noticed that pale shades the Professors had become; but it was when he glanced at Hadrian that his arms engulfed the boy in a body hug.

His face was paler than ice, and his eyes held the memories of the sparks of a green he'd never wished to see. Avada Ke-.

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