Chapter 6: We're Running From The Wizard

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A/N: Sorry about this late chapter! I was in the middle of my Midterm Exams. I also decided to move up the date for which I'm publishing! instead of a week from now. Enjoy!

Draco Pov (ish)

Draco wrapped his arms around Hadrian and jumped off the springy bed. And then he was falling...with Hadrian still in his arms...out the nearby window. Pansy and - Weasel! had promptly shoved him out the window upon hearing Severus shout run. Then, to make sure he felt better about the situation, they hopped out as well. At this moment Draco wanted to strangle them all.

"Are you all crazy!" Draco was seething, Harry was somehow sitting on his stomach, and they were all still falling! "We're all going to die because of-"

"Oh do shut up. We're fine." Mud-Granger said rolling her eyes. She was also standing in the air? "If you haven't noticed, we aren't falling anymore, I'm holding all of up with Pansy."

Draco dragged his eyes to Pansy. "I didn't know you two were so close." He muttered with the enthusiasm of Blaise on a shopping trip. In other words, none. Hadrian cocked his head before giggling. How any of that was funny, Draco would never know.

Pansy simply smiled. "We've been friends for a while now. Did you not notice?" She faced Granger with a smirk. "We must be better actors than they thought." The smirk fell from her face when loud crashing was heard above them.

"We need to move." Both Blaise and Weasel..ey muttered in synch. The girls nodded and moved them away from the semi-tower. Hadrian laughed joyfully at the fast movement when the wind scattered through his hair. Draco nearly smiled - nearly.

"Wookie Dwaco! 'is fa-fa-face 's so w-red!" Hadrian's giggles suddenly faded, and his head lodged itself in the crook of Draco's neck. "My Dwaco...'e's comin' ober."

The boys glanced back at the raging wizard who pursued them before nodding at the girls. They sped up and before Draco could say anything they huddled around Hadrian and himself. His face became pink. "What are all of you doing?"

"Portkey," Pansy muttered searching in her robe for the object. She muttered a curse under her breath after a moment. "Blaise who'd I give the charm to?"

Blaise's blood siphoned from his face as he turned to the culprit. "H-Hadrian." The boy peered up at him and whimpered.

"PUT THE BOY DOWN! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME SNAKES!" A voice like thunder shattered the air around them.

Draco's eyes widened. "The wards..." He was never able to finish his sentence. As soon as he spoke the first two, a pinching sensation twisted in his stomach. Then it went dark around the corners of his vision. The last thing he saw was their roaring Headmaster before his vision went dark.




For a minute or so anyway. He snapped up and studied his surrounding. He didn't recognize the dark, cool,...wet room - cavern at all. Where are we?

"For your information, we are in the Chamber, though it's probably the last place I wanted to ever be. Ever." Granger muttered as she rose off the floor slowly.

"Safe 'ere."

Draco snapped his head to the small figure in his lap and sighed in relief. He had never appreciated Accidental-Magic as much as he did right then. He (didn't) hug the boy tighter and rose off the floor as well. "Are the others awake yet?"

"Hey now! We aren't some sidekick!...or other things." Weasley shouted before faltering. "Besides, it's not safe here. And - I can't believe I'm saying this - we need to leave Hogwarts."

"Is safe 'ere! Pwetty helwp us." Hadrian nodded to himself and snuggled once more into Draco's shoulder. Draco couldn't contain his blush now. Pansy just grinned. No words were needed.

"Who is 'Pretty'?"

"That would be me."

All five students jumped. A ghost-like spirit hovered in front of them with a sly smile touching her full lips. Her smile widened at their shocked faces.

"There's no need to be so shocked," she mused. "Or surprised. You simply need to follow me-" A clatter above them resounded in the room. "But we need to hurry. Quickly, follow me." She turned and flew away, not waiting to see if they followed her. They did. They raced after her, Draco clung to Hadrian and stayed in the middle of their group. Whatever lived down there must be huge! The tunnels were ginormous if that counted for anything.

They stopped abruptly when the tunnel ended and they smashed into it, hard. Draco saw red. "Oi! Where on Earth did you take us?!"

The spirit smiled. "The Forest. You should know it. The Forbidden one." She then pushed against the wall, which promptly vanished and gave way to the Forbidden Forest which lay not twenty feet from where they stood. They raced forward thanking her and not looking back.

"Good luck, my students. Stay safe." Draco heard the softly spoken words as she solidified the wall once more. He nodded before he followed the duos ahead of him. Thanks, Hogwarts. They entered the forest just as the Headmaster opened the door to the courtyard near the forest, their figures no longer in sight.


A/N: So this is Part 1 of 'we're running from the wizard'. The second part should be up sometime this week!

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