Chapter 7: The Terrible Wizard Of Hog(warts)

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A/N: I AM SO SORRY!!!! This is so late. sososososososo late! I had finals then all my relatives came over every other week and I had work - - these are all terrible excuses, but I felt you all needed an explanation! This will also be much shorter than my usual chapters. Anyway, please enjoy reading!

Draco Povish

They'd been running through the forest in random patterns and zig-zags for the past few hours or so, and Draco was beginning to think no one was following them anymore at that point. He slowed his racing down to a trot before stopping completely.

"Everyone stop. We're taking a break for a few moments." Draco shifted the wiggling boy in his arms and glanced around as the two duos ambled over.

"What was that all about?!"

The entire group turned to the frizzy-bushy-poofy? haired girl. Her red face confused and aggravated. She threw her arms in the air as she glared at Weasley, who only raised his forearms in defence against her sudden wrath.


Draco shook his head and looked to Blaise and Pansy, but they were both shrugging and shaking their heads. What had made the Headmaster like that? Why did he attack them? He sat down heavily on the ground and cradled Hadrian in his arms.

"As I said earlier, let's take a break-" He tried to see the skylight through the thick branches and sighed. "And possibly find somewhere to sleep safely before we continue tomorrow."

"Continue what tomorrow? Classes? Kind of too late to go back now that we have a crazy old guy after us." Weasley frowned deeply as he spoke into the growing dim.

Pansy graced the redhead with a slap on the head. "The trip to the safehouse." She stared him dead in the eyes. "Unless you want to be the one to get your best friend killed?" Weasley stayed silent but scowled at her all the same.

"Sw-sleep now?"

Draco returned his attention to his tot and (strugglingly) stood up. "Pair yourselves up and find a spot for the night. Stay alert and with someone, but not too close to another group." His smirked. "We don't need anything to happen upon us while in sleep." That said he walked away from the now arguing teens and farther into the dark forest.


He passed many good spots, just not good enough. Draco sighed and shifted Hadrian. He shook his sleeping arm and rocked the boy back to sleep when he stirred. "I know. Hang on, I'll find us a spot, Tater Tot."

Finding a hollow tree ten minutes later, Draco settled into the very uncomfortable, but safe, tree. Trepidation curled into a knot in his stomach until he heard loud snores from a small distance away. Hugging Hadrian closer, Draco finally let his eyes close and sleep take over his senses.


An appalling scream snapped Draco awake. Sunlight streamed through the crack he had been sleeping in with Hadri-where was Hadrian? He jumped up and out of the tree and looked around the area frantically.


Draco searched with his eyes once more before turning and looking around the tree they had slept in earlier. "Hadri-" He voice caught in his throat when he finally sighted him.

There were big, gloopy tears filling the Tot's eyes as he struggled in the hold of the man holding him tightly. Dumbledore's hold.

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