Chapter 3: Potter is who now?!

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A/N: Sooooo....I decided to make more of the story in 3rd-ish person (as you will see later in this chapter) instead of simply 1st person as I have more practice in writing it. So the story will still be in Draco's POV but in third person. Sorry if it's a little confusing! Please enjoy reading the next chapter!

Draco POVSnape knocked on the infirmary door with a soft thud. We waited outside the door for a moment until Madame Pomfrey opened the door, noticed us, narrowed her eyes slightly, shook her head, and ushered us inside with all due haste.


"Madame Pomfrey, I need you to conduct a quick check-up on Potter. It seems there was an accident in Transfiguration." Snape said in a quiet rushed voice. He glanced back at us. "Not that I'm surprised in the slightest."

McGonagall smacked his arm with a glare. "Behave Severus." She turned to Pomfrey as her eyes sobered. "I will be back momentarily with Severus. We will be acquiescing to the Headmaster. Make sure the 'Trios' behave themselves until we return."

Pomfrey simply nodded, and we all watched silently as they left. Then Madame Pomfrey swiveled around abruptly. "Mr. Malfoy, would you set Mr. Potter down on one of the beds. Everyone else, please stand away from the bed so that I can conduct the physical."

Potter-Hadrian's face squinched into a frown. "Me no' Pottah! Me Hadwi!"

I proceeded to roll my eyes and nod at the toddler. "Yes, of course." I knelt slightly and set him down on the infirmary bed, he squirmed and tried to put himself back into my arms. Sighing quietly, I spoke in a soft tone that (hopefully) only he would hear. "Listen, I need you to stay very still. Madame Pomfrey is going to do a check-up on you - to see if you're healthy. Okay?"

Pot-Harry's frown only became more pronounced. "Oo weavin' me?" His eyes widened at his sudden epiphany and flooded with salty, wet waterworks as his lower lip began to tremble.

I suppressed the urge to roll my silver eyes and groan. Barely. "No, I'm staying right here." I exhaled loudly before I wrapped my arms around him and sat him in my lap. I glanced at Pomfrey with a look of helplessness.

Her face contorted into a sappy grimace and she nodded once. "You may sit with him - just don't touch him while I do the scans, it can interfere."

I kept my face perfectly neutral when his friend's outbursts reached my ears. A small smirk secured itself upon my face as I turned away from my friends and...his before facing the little toddler. He was staring at my face with slight trepidation and something akin to joy.

"I'm going to sit right next to you, but you have to stay perfectly still for me, got it?" My eyebrow rose at his immediate fury of nodding consent. How did he do that without snapping his neck?

I glanced at Pomfrey. "He's ready."

She nodded and raised her wand.


Draco POV (here starts the 3rd person!)

Half of the sorry group of "friends" had fallen asleep shortly after Pomfrey left to conclude the outcomes of the scans she had done on Harry. Draco was trying his hardest to not laugh at the sight created by his friends and their so-called 'enemies.'

Weasley was snoring up a storm as he sat against the headboard of a nearby bed with his head to his chest; Draco wasn't anticipating his awakening any time soon. Blaise, surprising Draco and the two very much awake and scheming girls, was curled up in Weasley's lap - with a smile on his face.

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