22. Diamond Cafe

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The start of that day, Pearl had sat in a comfortable seat by the window in a famous local café called the "Glimmering Diamond Café." She had picked that place because of its oddly old-fashioned but appealing logo written in elegant cursive on top of their rosy brown banner. On top of that, the place had a bunch of red roses planted everywhere-Pearl's favorite flower. Pulling out her laptop and starting to work after ordering a cup of iced vanilla cappuccino, Pearl quietly gazed out at the streets, where people bustled by with mid-summer energy.

Not long after, a uniformed woman came and served her cappuccino. Pearl had been listening to some jazz, and she unplugged her earphones to look up at the woman and say thank you, when suddenly-.



Pearl thought, how could this be. They had clearly met before-not only met, but deeply related. Rose was Pearl's past lover.


"How are you here? I mean, how are you? How rude of me, to ask you about this location first-I certainly hope you're well." Rose asked in a welcoming voice.

"I am."

"Are you enjoying your new job? What about your current girlfriend?"

"You're so casual...she's fine. Whatever. I don't have to tell you that, do I?" Pearl said curtly.

"Are you...still angry?"

"..." Biting her lips in a bitter way, Pearl looked out at the window again.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You did what you needed to do, haven't you?"

"But you're so hurt..."

"I am not hurt!" Although café Diamond was quite spacious, everyone in there could hear her yell. In a momentary silence, Pearl came to herself once again.

"...Right." Rose's eyes calmed down, when someone called out for her in the kitchen.

"Oh, I forgot! I had my shift. I forgot because I was so glad to see you again, Pearl. I hoped you would speak to me again like you did before...I hoped we'd remain good friends."

"We will."

"Well, in time. Then, goodbye. Talk to me whenever you want to-I'm here every Wednesday and Friday, so. Okay? Bye!" Rose said so rather lightly, then left to work.

Pearl bit her lips rather harshly again. She hated herself for thinking so badly about Rose, and at the same time being so fascinated yet all over again. Her gentle curls that flowed from her shoulders, like a soft pink cascade falling onto a crystal floor utterly, still, fascinated Pearl-and her voice. Like a silken cloth or a Swiss velvet dark chocolate. Elegant, yet smooth and soft and sweet.

"I hoped I'd forgotten about you-everything about our relationship...but obviously I haven't." She uncouthly muttered under her breath, roughly plugging in her earbuds once again as not to listen to her sweet voice. It's like alcohol, Pearl thought. It's addictive.

A Single White Hibiscus (Pearl x Rose)Where stories live. Discover now