Appetite for Destruction

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I stayed at Franklin's for a little while, discussing all sorts of topics stoners usually get into when they're getting high together. After hanging out with him for a bit, I finally bid Franklin and Chop farewell as I got back in my car and began to head back towards Sandy Shores. It was always nice to have a smoking buddy to talk things over with and I was thankful that Franklin and I got along so well. As much as I adored Trevor, sometimes I needed a break from the manic mood swings he often experienced when it came to handling the meth business and dealing with competitors. Franklin's easy-going nature provided just the right balance for me to regain myself, fully recharged and ready to handle whatever crazy shit Trevor could potentially throw my way.

It was a little after seven as I was cruising through the winding streets of Vinewood when my phone started to ring. Slowing down, I reached over into my open leather bag on the passenger seat to retrieve it and see who was calling. By now, darkness had begun to envelope our part of the globe and I was careful to keep an eye out for oncoming headlights. Glancing down at my phone, I saw that it was Trevor who was trying to reach me. I instantly pressed the screen and brought it up to my ear while still watching the road ahead.

"Well, hello, Mr. Philips", I coyly greeted him. "I'm heading back your way now."

"Jesus fucking Christ, Carmen, you missed a hell of a scene here!", he proclaimed, sounding slightly out of breath.

I suddenly remembered the breaking news story I'd seen at Franklin's. "Oh, was it that weird murder orgy deal that just happened? Franklin and I heard about it on the news."

"Hearing about it ain't the same as seeing it, babe", he smugly remarked. "There's no way the media would ever show footage of that shit on air. Luckily, I caught it on my phone. I'll send it to ya, if you're up to it."

The way he phrased that made it seem like some sort of a challenge. I had to admit that I was morbidly curious about what exactly transpired. The news story seemed relatively detailed enough, but I suppose Trevor was right: hearing about it wasn't the same as seeing it.

"Lay it on me, big daddy", I told him.

"Oooo, I like the sound of that!", he exclaimed excitedly. "Alright, I'm sending it now."

I pulled over to the side of the road, flashing the hazard lights as I waited for Trevor to send the video. Putting him on speaker, I let him know I would still be talking to him as I was watching it. At last, a new message popped up in my inbox and I clicked the video link, trying to ready myself for what I was about to see. No amount of preparation could've helped with what I was now witnessing on my screen.

The shaky video revealed the group of six people piled on the road going by the air strip where Trevor stored his helicopter and plane. I watched with rising horror as Trevor zoomed in, capturing footage of them viscerally biting off chunks of flesh while simultaneously having sex with whatever orifice they could find, complete madness taking over as rivers of blood seemed to be pouring from them all. The looks on their faces made them appear wildly possessed, their eyes completely void of any humanity as they all roared and screamed with rabid lunacy. Clawing and biting and fucking each other while spectators gathered around, simultaneously curious and terrified. It was like watching some bizarre cannibal porn, made worse when I heard Trevor yell out on camera "Don't forget the thigh quarters! Tastiest part right there!"

"What the fuck, Trevor?", I chastised him as I continued to watch this horrifying display take place. "Really, that's all you could say when that was going down?"

"What? It's the truth, it is the tastiest part!", he replied in a slightly wounded tone. "Fuck, they didn't even hear me anyway, or if they did, they sure as hell didn't act like it. Oh, wait, the best part's just about to happen!"

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