Raven on the Roof

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I knew that a promise uttered by Trevor Philips under pent-up sexual conditions wasn't exactly the most reliable, trustworthy source, but desperate was I to at least hear those words come from his lips, I didn't see the harm in satisfying my own primal needs in the process. Kill two birds with one stone. "Quoth the former Raven," I dryly thought, taking another casual hit from my joint. 

It was after midnight. I was seated on top of the trailer, my legs bent up so my arms rested on my knees. It was something I did often, climb up onto the roof of this old trailer overseeing the entrance to Sandy Shores, and just enjoy the view of the starry night sky, usually with a lit j in one hand. More often than not, some scene involving a police chase or a drug deal gone awry would occur, providing more entertainment than anything I could find online or on TV.  Sometimes Trevor came up here with me.  Other times he'd state that he wasn't up to feeling like some imperial vulture perched alongside the pensive raven. Man, I really had birds on my mind then. It happened occasionally whenever he brought up my past. The alias I'd used. I still had that raven sticker on the back of my car. 

That particular night, it was unusually peaceful. Trevor had been called away, off on some business venture or another that urgently needed his attention. I knew he had his hand in a few honey pots around Los Santos and San Andreas in general, so his random departures were something I'd grown accustomed to. What I wasn't accustomed to was the brief, sudden flash of red catching the corner of my eye, coming from Ron's place.

Curiously, I tilted my head, straining my neck to see who it was. My eyes finally focused on a mane of red hair lit up with a fiery glow under the lone porch light at Ron's shack and I immediately recognized it as Cathy's. She was pacing back and forth under the light, disappearing off into the shadows briefly before stepping back onto the illuminated porch. She was holding what I assumed to be a phone up to her ear, seemingly frustrated as she hung up and tried to possibly text. Who the hell was she trying to get in touch with at this time of night?

"Yo!", I loudly chirped in her direction from my perch above. Subtlety wasn't my top priority at the moment.

I saw her look up, startled at first, shielding her eyes from the streetlight with one hand then slowly regaining her timid composure as she made out who I was.

"Oh - hello!" she politely greeted me, pausing just for a second before walking towards the trailer where I sat. I held the smoking joint up at her questioningly, and she looked about for a way to scramble up onto where I was. She found the wooden crates I used as stairs hidden by the garage and carefully joined me on the roof, seating herself beside me with her legs dangling over the edge. I silently passed the joint to her, studying her really for the first time since we'd met. I watched her bring it up to her lips, taking a leisurely drag while her eyes looked out towards the distance. Her energy seemed...different. Maybe it was because this was our first smoke session together. Maybe because I'd already been up here for a while, quietly toking to myself, and I was reading a little too much into shit. I liked to think I could get a better perception on people, particularly, if they chose to mellow out with me.

"Who were you trying to call?" I bluntly asked, breaking the initial silence. I'd always been pretty direct, but, man, being around Trevor had really begun to rub off on me. Her green eyes darted my way briefly before looking down at the phone clutched in her other hand. Her thumb idly slid up and down along its smooth edge.

"Actually...", she exhaled slowly as she handed the joint back to me. "I was trying to get in touch with Lee."

"Lee, your fucked up cousin we're currently trying to hide you away from?" I asked, surprised and more than a little anxious. I plucked the joint from her hand and held it protectively in my grasp farthest from her. She fucked up the rotation by bringing threatening news - I had to cut her off.

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