Mask Off

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"You're fucking kidding, right?" Michael's initial response wasn't terribly encouraging.

The four of us were seated on a long bench overlooking the ocean along the Del Perro Pier, also known as Pleasure Pier, just outside the amusement park in Los Santos. Franklin had already been there waiting for us by the time Trevor and I arrived and we all shot the shit for about ten minutes before seeing Michael finally saunter up to our little group. Once we were all settled in together, Trevor wasted no time in dropping the bomb on them.

"Guess who's gettin' hitched, ladies?"

Enter Michael's instant disbelief. Franklin shook his head but still showed a small smile on his face as his eyes met with mine. Since I'd brought up the possibility of this occurring the last time we smoked together, it didn't come as such a shock to him. Certainly not like it did to Michael, who'd stood up from the bench like he'd just been electrocuted as soon as he'd heard.

"Seriously, Trevor?", he asked, and he threw a look my way that suggested I immediately be measured for a straitjacket. "Don't go fooling yourself...we all know you're not the marrying type."

"What the fuck do you know about what 'type' I am?", Trevor fumed, standing to confront him face to face. "And you call me judgmental. A lot can happen over the course of more than a decade, Cupcake. When I thought you were fucking dead. Yeah, I had my fair share of fun with the ladies, I admit." He looked over at me, half-grinning. I leaned back against the bench and crossed my legs, waiting for him to go on. "But then this little firecracker came into my life and lit something in me I didn't even know was there." Again he focused back on Michael. "You really wanna shit all over that?"

Michael turned his attention to me. "You honestly said yes to him?", he incredulously questioned.

"Actually, I asked him."

"WHAT?!" Michael had to sit himself down next to Franklin to keep from keeling over while Franklin just patted his shoulder sympathetically.

"Trevor did ask me first", I went on as Trevor sat down next to me again and slung an arm about my shoulders. "About 2 months back. I...wasn't ready. But the moment came last night when everything just seemed perfect and I couldn't help myself. I know this is a lot to take in", I added, when I saw Michael remove his shades to rub tiredly at his eyes. "We were really just hoping for a little support here."

"Well, shit", Franklin spoke up. "I'm not gonna pretend like I understand any of this and like I told you before, girl, I ain't gonna judge. You two do what makes you both happy...and I'll be happy for you."

"Thank you, Franklin", I warmly said to him, resting my hand over his in gratitude. Then we all looked over skeptically at Michael.

"See, the kid's on board, Mikey", Trevor stated, narrowing his eyes at him. "Now what do you have to fucking say?" 

I heard Franklin mutter, "Man, I told y'all to stop calling me 'kid'..."

Michael sighed heavily as he leaned back against the bench and put his shades back on. "I don't know why anything you do surprises me anymore", he said to Trevor in an exasperated manner. He glanced over at me once again. "If this is something you really think you can handle, sweetheart...and I mean really handle...even after knowing what kind of crazy shit you're getting yourself into...", he paused before he continued. "Then congratufuckinglations to you both, I guess."

"Your sentiment makes me tear up, Michael", I sarcastically replied with a smile. "But, thank you." Even Trevor grinned over at him, seemingly satisfied with his response.

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