Fire in the Sky

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With the surrounding darkness helping me to avoid unwanted attention, I hurried over to the Lost van, started it up, and carefully drove it as close to the neighboring shore line as I could. As predicted, almost no one was hanging around the beach at this time, and I made sure to park the van away from any nearby buildings. Once I was certain that I was a safe enough distance from causing any collateral damage, I jumped out of the van and pulled open the gas tank door. A newspaper page the wind blew by my feet served quite well as a fuse, which I rolled up tightly and stuck into the open gas door, taking a quick look around to make sure no one was watching. 

For some reason, the overwhelming smell of the gasoline fumes emitting from the open door caused me to feel suddenly nauseous, and I abruptly ran over to the ocean, falling to my knees to unexpectedly vomit. Christ, I wasn't used to my sense of smell being so sensitive. I thought it must have been a delayed reaction to that fucked up footage Trevor had sent me. It was truly one of the most vile, traumatizing things I'd ever had the displeasure of setting eyes on.

When I was through and my stomach began to settle down, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand as I again rose to my feet and shakily wandered back towards the van. Pausing a moment to regain my composure, I approached the newspaper fuse and, taking one last look around, reached for the lighter in my pocket, set that fuse ablaze and ran off like a bat out of hell towards the Pizza This parking lot. Just as I reached my car, I heard a massive explosion erupt behind me, followed by a bright blaze of fire that lit up part of the shore line as flames flickered high against the night sky. Several crowds of people gathered from adjoining buildings to see what had happened, some of them screaming and making frantic phone calls to the police and fire department.

I pulled open my passenger side door, picked up a box of the pepperoni pizza, and jogged over to Ron's SUV, handing the box to Cathy through the open window.  "Here, have something to eat", I told her. "Ron, please, please be careful to keep her out of sight. Drop her off at your place first, then come over to eat with me and Trevor. Trevor was feeling...particularly frisky earlier, and he'll probably end up kicking you out right after anyway, so then you can keep Cathy company. Sound like a plan?"

"I don't think I've ever looked so forward to T kicking me out", Ron stated out of nowhere, and both Cathy and I looked at each other in surprise. Go, Ron!, I couldn't help cheering to myself, grinning knowingly at him as both he and Cathy blushed the same deep shade of red.

Clearing my throat, I went on. "Alrighty then, you two crazy kids.  Let's get the fuck out of here before the cops show up. Stay close behind me, okay?"

"Will do", Ron replied while Cathy clutched the pizza box to her lap. She turned to give me another smile of gratitude as I hurried back over to my own car, started it up and peeled out of the parking lot. Peering into my rear-view mirror, I could see Ron following closely just as a firetruck and police cruiser made their way down the road, heading towards the fiery scene we were rushing away from. No one tried to pull us over and when we were a safe enough distance away, I let out a big sigh of relief.

Again, I drove through the back roads leading towards Sandy Shores. Although more scenic, it still was a bit of a drive and I knew we'd have to reheat those pizzas when we made it back. At least, I'd have to - the guys didn't seem to care if the pizza was cold, they just shoveled it on in. I wasn't a girly girl by any means, but being the only female among a group of unruly men always made me that much more self-aware of the difference in our culinary habits. Having another woman around could be beneficial to both Cathy and myself.

Thinking of Cathy made me think of her horrible creation, which made me think of Trevor's desire to pursue it. I still couldn't believe he really wanted to meddle with that shit, and his implied death wish to try it himself made me even more determined to keep Cathy's existence a secret from him. And if he did happen to ever meet her, which would be a very realistic possibility, he didn't have to know that she was the one behind the monstrosity now known as Bruise. I didn't even want to imagine how Trevor would be like if that poison were ever swimming in his bloodstream. Particularly if no one else were around to help me try to restrain him when he could so easily overpower me as is. My methods tended to be more...permanent, and it was something I wanted to absolutely avoid at all cost. Then I remembered I'd invested in some strong sedatives once I became the official medic for Trevor Philips Enterprises. I kept them hidden in the trunk of my car as I knew if T were ever aware of them, they would mysteriously start disappearing.

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