Peter Graham was just an english boy until he was stolen by pirates and taken to Neverland, the place inbetween worlds. There, he became Pandemonium, the fearsome fae warrior who started an organisation planning to otherthrow the pirates. But when P...
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Chapter Two - Latin or Something Like It Song - Dream On - Aerosmith
Cailer wondered if this would be the time when her comrade was caught. His luck was bound to run out eventually, and Pan's had alwaus seemed almost never-ending. Her own luck had been close to running out more than few times, anyone who lived on Neverland could probably relate. You had to have some pretty shitty luck to be kidnapped by pirates. Or, you could have even shittier luck and been born here.
Pan happened to be a notoriously lucky bastard.
At the very least, One would have made enough noise about his death for the news to travel down to the tunnels. And, as Pan's second in command she would be one of the very first to be told to prepare a eulogy. Or, maybe he was dying right now as she spoke. That thought alone filled her with a reckless desire to leave and chase after him. To save her friend. But she didn't know where he was and odds were that if she went out to look for him that's when he'd decide to return. The universe liked to laugh at her, appearently.
However, if Pan wasn't dead or off being brutally murdered by his sworn enemy, then that didn't leave too many options for the brave saviour of the fae. She sighed as she figured it out.
They were, after all, due for another abduction. One had started to increase his nighttime crews, they'd noticed the number of deckhands decreasing as the pirate captain made sure to spread the influence of his pirates across the island during the night, hoping one of his groups would find the dreamers.
Cailer knew if Pan saw a group of innocents he would rescue them no matter what. Damn Pan and his gallivanting ways. He was a loose cannon when it came to things like this, he had no regard for safety and every regard for playing the hero. Not in a self-centered way, Pan just simply always did the most heroic thing possible. From buttering his toast with a sword to teasing One with his flying. Actually, come to think of it maybe that wasn't heroicism but stupidity.
Honestly, somebody needed to remind him that however young he may look with his full head of hair, he was not fully immortal and he could be killed. (Although to the frustration of One and the relief of Cailer, this seemed to be a daunting task.)
Besides, the revolution desperately needed him alive. He was the symbol of everything they stood for. The first dreamer, the first person on the island to take a stand against the pirates. And he was the only person the fae even talked to. They refused to talk to her and Cailer bloody half fae just like Pan. But Pan was practically royalty on his fae side, and his human side wasn't as disgusting as Cailer's. That didn't matter though, the revolution needed her to have contacts within the dragoni, rather than have her pathetic attempts to suck the dick of the faerie leader in an attempt to ally with them.