Peter Graham was just an english boy until he was stolen by pirates and taken to Neverland, the place inbetween worlds. There, he became Pandemonium, the fearsome fae warrior who started an organisation planning to otherthrow the pirates. But when P...
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Chapter Six - Honour My Arse Song - bury a friend - Billie Eilish
Cailer could hear the draw of blades from outside the room. Fae blades always had such a nice sound when they were drawn from their sheaths. A kind of swoosh that made her sigh and think of enemies swiftly falling at her feet. Amongst the bloody song of war and battle, she felt those blades would balance. A needed breath of air between notes. Maybe if they allied with the fae, she could get her hands on some of those nice blades, and see for herself how it felt to use one instead of daydreaming about it. If, they allied. It was a pretty big if, she had to admit. Dandelion was notorious for not giving a shit about the pirates or about her 'filthy half breed cousin'.
Cailer had expected them to fight so they could come to an agreement. It was, after all how most fae came to decisions. And when their most annoying princess wanted to talk to Pan, it usually meant there would be a fight. Cailer was expecting there to be some cheating from the princess, and probably some evasion of actually allying once she inevitably lost to Pan. She wouldn't want to be an ally to them, and she was a spoilt brat who was used to getting her way. Cailer knew they needed the fae as allies if they had any hope of ending the war. Dandelion was the key to all of this, if only she wasn't so stuck up the pirates may have been gone years ago. Since the fae had somehow managed to escape the full horror of the pirates, she didn't fear what might happen if the pirates were to win the war.
It made her unpredictable, and that made her dangerous. There was nothing Pan could have done to convince her or he would have done it in a heartbeat. They both knew he needed to beat Dandelion and force her to follow through with her end of the bargain. Cailer wasn't worried about the fight itself, she knew Pan was the better warrior and that Dandelion would underestimate him, as everybody did. It was the part that came after. It had taken almost a hundred years of bargaining to get the princess to agree to even having a fight in the first place. Gods knew how long it might take her to keep her promises.
Cailer knew she was a spoilt princess, and she knew that spoilt princesses treated promises made with people who had human blood running in their veins like kindling to their fire. Something to watch burn.
The princess didn't want to ally with them, and if they didn't need the fae, Cailer would have no problem with never having to talk to Pan's cousin for the rest of her lifetime. But Cailer had managed to get herself to the front lines of a war. She couldn't exactly walk back now, and why would she? She was ready to fight and while that stupid stuck up bitch wasn't someone you wanted on your side, her father and his ele'vants certainly were.
Cailer wondered if the fight would be for first blood, or to the ground. Normally blades would only be drawn for first blood but they could be including or using weapons within the fight to the ground. That seemed like something Dandelion would suggest. Or they could be getting rid of weapons but she didn't think so, Cailer hadn't heard any of the weapons drop to the ground.