5. You Look Awful

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Chapter Five - You Look AwfulSong - Big God - Florence + The Machine

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Chapter Five - You Look Awful
Song - Big God - Florence + The Machine

Dandelion paced around the small stone room where she was to fight with Pandemonium. She wondered if the walls truly were stone, she'd heard rumours that it was all a facade to lure you into some false sense of security. Although, Dandelion would have liked to have boasted that she knew her cousin somewhat well, as one knows one's enemies well, and he'd never had a brain that lent itself to deceit. Her cousin was brash, he would run headfirst into a battle. It was Dandelion who had been raised to scheme and trick her way through life.

Her cousin was also taking forever to show up. His second, that dragon bitch, had showed her to the cave whose walls she was currently eyeing for traps. For a cave meant to house the princess of the fae, Dandelion thought it was rather mediocre, but she supposed they would be fighting in here and perhaps her cousin was simply opposed to spilling his blood in the nice carpeted caves he saved for guests.

Or maybe it had been his second's idea. She seemed like the type to try and make Dandelion feel wary before the fight by placing her in a room that obviously was for someone below her rank. She knew it would at the very least piss Dandelion off. What did she call herself now? Cailer of the Wildfire. As if she wasn't a half fae bastard. As if she hadn't been raised by monsters, been treated as one of their own even.

Dandelion had heard rumours that the dragons had adopted her, but she hadn't believed them until she'd seen the scales on the armour the half breed had worn.

Those were not scales that had been gifted, those were scales won in battle. You could tell from the dried blood still coating a few of the edges. Maybe the others didn't see it, the way Cailer looked ready for another battle. But she was, Dandelion could tell. The longing for a fight practically hummed in the air around her. She was a child of blood and battle, that one.

The dragoni were all like that, longing for the battlefield. Bloodthirsty creatures. It was a blood thirst they seemed to have passed on to their little prodigy. Dandelion had also heard rumours that Cailer had been chosen as one of the dragoni leaders, but at some point you had to stop the rumour mill from going too far and that was her limit. Sure the girl may have had a couple decorations, but the dragoni weren't stupid.

Dandelion was mulling over whether she would fight with or against Cailer when the time came. Although she hated her, Dandelion wasn't too keen on actually fighting against Cailer.

Pandemonium entered the room. He was wearing traditional fae wear, which she appreciated but did not ler herself show her appreciation for. If he wanted to prove he was a fae, she wasn't stopping him. He was after all, her cousin. She couldn't exactly call his fae blood subpar when it was also her own. However, it was diluted. And for that she could show her disdain.

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