Peter Graham was just an english boy until he was stolen by pirates and taken to Neverland, the place inbetween worlds. There, he became Pandemonium, the fearsome fae warrior who started an organisation planning to otherthrow the pirates. But when P...
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Fourteen - Playing Jedi Song - Letters From The Sky - Civil Twilight
Windsor thought he screamed when the knife went into Pan's back. He wasn't sure, it was all a bit of a blur, to be honest. He'd thought Pan was going to die, and then he wasn't. He'd been ready to mourn the loss of the boy who didn't grow up. Even if he was a bit of a prick sometimes, Windsor obviously didn't want him to die. For all his posturing about being able to handle himself he needed Pan to survive here. He'd almost jumped off his ledge, but what good could a boy with two broken legs have done? Or maybe that was what he had to tell himself so he didn't tell himself something else, like that he was a coward.
(Pan would have jumped.) (Pan was a hero.)
Then Pan had opened his eyes. It wasn't like a superhero movie when he'd taken One down, Pan wasn't making quips, in fact he'd screamed as he plunged the knife into One's hand. (Don't tell anybody but Windsor had flinched.) Windsor hadn't thought he'd been able to stand another second and he'd been proved grimly right when with a moan Pan had collapsed to his knees. Shit, Windsor had begun to panic. Even without One he didn't know if Pan could get out of this alive.
Pan had turned to Windsor and it almost seemed as if he was begging him when he'd said "Jump."
Windsor wanted to. If he was immortal he'd already have jumped, but the ledge seemed impossibly high from where he was standing. He really didn't want to break both his legs, and he knew that whatever was happened to Pan was because he'd used too much of that wind magic up. He seemed almost delusional, his pupils dilated to discs.
"I-" Windsor hesitated. "I don't know if I can sing right now."
"I... I won't let you fall." Pan had gasped.
His hands were shaking but he'd held his arm out towards Windsor. Windsor had to jump, didn't he? Wasn't that was bravery was? It wasn't climbing a rock knowing Pan was there to catch you, it was jumping from a ledge knowing Pan wasn't there to catch you.
He had to jump, to save Pan. Not just for himself, because he knew that if Pan wasn't there the whole L.O.S.T thing would collapse and he needed it to survive, no. He had to save Pan because it was just the right thing to do. He had the ability to help and he'd hidden in cowardice already tonight and here was his second chance.
So Windsor had taken a deep breath, half wondering if he was really going to do this. (Once this was all over Windsor was going to talk to Pan about the value of a back up plan, he was really only willing to risk his life senselessly so many times.)
And Windsor had jumped. He pretended he was flying while he tried to tuck his body in like he'd seen some parkour people do on YouTube. Unfortunately, Windsor wasn't flexible enough and now he was careering straight for the ground with his neck ready to take all the impact.