10. Here Lies Windsor Who Died For Politics

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Chapter Eleven - A Drunk to a Pirate Fight
Song - Casual Sabotage - YUNGBLUD

Windsor was sort of looking forward to the battle about to take place. Not in a masochistic excited about his own death way, but in a 'holy shit me and these two fae warrior people are going to fight bad guys' way. It was all very new and exciting to him. He felt he was walking the same steps as a hero in a story book.

Windsor had never battled someone before (reasons included lover not a fighter, lack of confidence, lack of skill et cetera) so this could be interesting. Or at least some kind of fun, right? Windsor reassured himself that if Cailer and Pan really thought they were about to be in danger they would have gotten more back-up then each other and Windsor.

(Who didn't even really count because they'd taken him to their armory and he'd hardly been able to swing a single weapon. He had a sword but it was really thin and light so it wasn't really sword and he doubted he could do any damage.)

Instead, Cailer had seemed pleased enough with just Pan and Windsor by her side to battle this One dude. (He kept trying to figure out why he was called One. Why not two, or three? Has he only ever killed one person? Are they making fun of him or was he just named one? Who had called him one, was it just the L.O.S.T or was it something everyone did?)

Windsor had a lot of questions. Like, why did Cailer need Pan to fight this guy? It wasn't really the time to be wondering things but he couldn't help it. Were the others worried the bad guy would kill them in one blow? (Maybe that was why the other guy was called One. For the number of hits it took for you to be killed). Oh god what if he had to return to the home base and tell them that their leader and second in command were dead. He'd probably die before he could take one step back to the base anyway.

Windsor didn't even know why they were battling with this guy. If he was being honest before he'd heard the word battle, Windsor hadn't really been listening to the conversation Pan and Cailer had been having. It hadn't seemed too important to his survival and he'd been tired Pan had kept him awake most of the night with questions and stories and confessions that had made the tips of Windsor's ears turn red. He hadn't been thinking well enough to focus on the conversation. He'd woken up at the idea of a battle, though. He could nap when he got back from the fight.

Still, he supposed he should maybe ask why they were going to battle. That way when he recounted the story to Jean he'd be able to answer at least one of the questions she was bound to ask him. (Of course questions would come after she finished beating him up for being a stupid idiot and going to a fight without her.)

"So, why am I dying?" Windsor asked conversationally as they walked through the bush.

Pan and Cailer both walked as if they were lions on the hunt, their eyes constantly darting around searching for hidden dangers or prey. Occasionally Windsor could see Pan jump into a fighting stance or see Cailer's hand reach for her sword when a twig broke in the distance and he wondered if maybe they were the prey and not the predator. But that was silly, even if they hadn't given off strong hunter vibes they even somewhat looked the part of the bloody predators.

Cailer's heavy looking armour clanked as she walked, Pan had chosen not to wear any armour ("because he's the most annoyingly arrogant person I know and thinks he doesn't need it. Idiot." Cailer had explained.) and Windsor himself wore the basics of armour. He even had a sheath for his sword and a cool helmet.

"For politics," Pan explained in a bored tone.

"Fae politics. If it were the Draconi who were in this situation we'd just fight it out. Which, I guess you did earlier..." Cailer said, glancing to Pan and Windsor could almost hear the unspoken words between them that might have said something about failure if they weren't on the way to a fight.

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