Peter Graham was just an english boy until he was stolen by pirates and taken to Neverland, the place inbetween worlds. There, he became Pandemonium, the fearsome fae warrior who started an organisation planning to otherthrow the pirates. But when P...
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Chapter Fifteen - We'd All Go Down Together Song - Goodnight Saigon - Billy Joel
Cailer had been searching for Pan and Windsor for almost two hours when she saw the dinghy behind Skull Rock, it had been tucked away in between the rock and a high sandbank. Cailer dared to hope when she saw it, but she tampered that flame down almost immediately. This time was different, the odds weren't good on hope being true. She was used to Pan finding some way to defy the odds, he always won. But what the pirates on the ledge had told her when she'd made it back to Skull Rock had filled her with genuine fear that this time he'd lost.
Using a complicated rope and handcuff system, L.O.S.T had taken the pirates they'd found up on a ledge captive. There'd been no sign of One, and later the pirates confirmed that their leader had gotten himself out of the cave and not come back for them. (yet. They'd all added hopefully.) It'd seemed like there was a lot of them when she'd been facing off against them earlier but there was really only about fifteen. Feeling desperate by that point (it'd taken her far too long to get rid of Dandelion and once she'd finally gotten back to the base the sun had well risen and Pan hadn't come back yet. That was when she'd gotten a search party together.)
After getting the pirates down they had politely demanded the pirates to tell them what had happened. The pirates had babbled about stuff that had poured a bucket of water over the admittedly already small flame of hope in Cailer's chest. Pan, her fearless commander Pan, had been stabbed in the back. She'd kept her features stoic when she'd heard, but in her head she'd already begun to pray to any God anybody had ever told her existed. And Windsor, he'd actually gone up against One. She'd watched Jean's (who'd insisted on coming when she'd overheard Cailer talking about it in the hallway to Tommy, it seemed the Darlings had a knack for stumbling into adventure.) posture perk up proudly like a flower in bloom when she'd heard. Cailer too, had been vaguely impressed with the newbie but had been waiting for the inevitable but his non-appearance had prompted. When the pirates laughed and told them that their brave Windsor had been stabbed in the foot by One's hook, she'd watched Jean's posture wilt. One's own hook. To the foot. Cailer wanted to cringe just thinking about it.
So there they both had been, bleeding and only inches away from freedom. It was a sad story. Cailer wanted to weep for what had happened to the both of them really, but she had a mission to get to.
With lightning speed, she'd had her dagger at the throat of one of the pirates. She winced at the youth on his face but she knew this was just how it was. Cailer had made that pirate tell them every detail of how they'd gotten out. He'd claimed that towards the end, Pan had gone loopy, so it had been hard to tell what their next steps would have been. Windsor had paddled them out of the cove singlehandedly, apparently babbling to Pan about stars. And that had been all they'd had to go off of. They'd talked to the pirates for longer but Cailer knew they had to be telling the truth. They thought they'd won, it was clear in every smirk that'd cropped up while they'd been talking. Cailer had wanted to burn them off their stupid fucking faces.