Peter Graham was just an english boy until he was stolen by pirates and taken to Neverland, the place inbetween worlds. There, he became Pandemonium, the fearsome fae warrior who started an organisation planning to otherthrow the pirates. But when P...
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Chapter Twelve - I Am Not Afraid Song - Where Do We Go? (No Escape) - Klergy, Katie Garfield
Pan was roughly shaken awake by One. He went to breathe and then realised there was a hand at his throat, he could still breathe but he knew that if One wanted to he could put a little more pressure on and that'd be it for Pan. He looked up at One's face in anger. He didn't know if he'd ever been this close to him.
"I've waited for this moment." The asshole gloated from above Pan.
"What moment? Your crew stranded on a rock and mine safe?" Every word was weak and he knew it weakened the overall effect of the comeback but he couldn't do anything else and he certainly wasn't about to let One gloat without saying something.
He'd mouthed off at the guy for two hundred years and that wasn't about to change now.
"No, the moment where I get to cause you the same anguish you've caused me." One's olive eyes glinted. "How should I torture it out of you?"
Pan had always hated olives. "Torture what out of me?" He had enough strength to wheeze before he let his head hit the ground.
There was a ringing in his ears and even though he saw One talking above him between that and the pain he couldn't have heard him for the life of him. Not that he particularly wanted to. He couldn't even say some coherent insults for God's sake. It was hard to speak coherently when there was a hand on your throat, he knew it would probably leave a nice string of bruises. It annoyed him because he knew he could normally have thrown the hand off with ease and fly away laughing. But not now.
It had taken something from him, this skirmish (because he couldn't really call it a battle considering it had been a plan made up in five minutes. Although in hindsight it seemed One had been planning his plan for a lot longer than five minutes.) he'd never made the clouds move before. Maybe it wasn't much to move clouds, they were weightless after all. But he had to move them faster than he thought he'd ever moved anything. It was easy enough to swoosh some pants down to ankles, but moving an entire group of clouds away from the moon? Stupid.
He didn't even need to do it he acknowledged now. Fuck, Cailer didn't need the clouds gone to find Dandelion. He was just drunk and he thought the mission would succeed. To be fair, the mission was a success if you ignored this ugly part at the end where there was a hand at Pan's throat and he had no escape.
God, it wasn't even the clouds that'd doomed him. It had been all the other things that had made sense at the time. Getting rid of the pirates instead of getting rid of him and the others. He could've whisked them all away to safety and been all the better for it. He was so stupid. He couldn't even blame it all on the drink. He'd just gotten cocky.