11. A Disappointing Lack Of Tom Hiddleston

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Chapter Twelve - Peter Pettigrew 2

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Chapter Twelve - Peter Pettigrew 2.0
Song - My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light 'em up) - Fall Out Boy // Young God (Live from Webster Hall) - Halsey

Windsor found out why One was called One a second after he landed 'safely' (he'd skinned his knee which reassured him very little of Pan's ability. And his ABBA driven confidence in his own ability had dimmed with it.) on the ground after falling from a million feet. It wasn't because he had a monobrow - though he totally did - but a somewhat more sinister singular feature.

Disappointingly for Windsor, One was not one of those cool sexy villains. There was no Tom Hiddleston playing Loki. And Windsor very much doubted that One was in some kind of love triangle as the bad-boy type. He wasn't even really a Kylo Ren. It wasn't that he was conventionally unattractive if you ignored the monobrow and the goatee he was legally obligated to have considering he was the villain.

No, even worse, One was old. He could've been Windsor's father and sure, he knew Pan was basically as old as Queen Elizabeth II but it just seemed weird to him that he was going to be fighting this old man. Like, shouldn't he more worried about planning his retirement than trying to colonise a magical island?

Whatever, he'd been expecting his villain to come with sexual tension, but this guy was just creepy old. And it just made the whole kidnapping kids thing even weirder.

Not to be superficial but something about One just gave Windsor major rat vibes. The feeling that maybe you should grab a huge roll of newspaper and whack him until he was just a stain on your carpet.

"Pandemonium, dear boy. I got you a present." Oh god, it was the Joker's voice. The Heath Ledger version that gave eight-year-old Windsor nightmares.

"Me too!" Said Pan as he held up a rock shaped a bit like a hand if you squinted. "It's a new hand!" Then he collapsed into a fit of giggles mid-air.

Oh yeah. One is called that because of his hands. Or rather, hand. He only has one. The other is a hook. It's even creepier because of the bloodstains at its tip. Which meant he's either been using it as a torture device or to eat his chips and ketchup.

Windsor hoped it was the latter because then One would probably die from bacteria or something. It couldn't be very healthy to eat off a hook. Windsor assumed One didn't care, and he kind of hoped that would be his downfall. Fuck fighting this guy to the death they could just let his own unhygienic ways get to him.

"No, you fool. I got you a princess. Well, a soon to be dead one!" One laughed and Windsor shuddered, trying to blend in with the wall.

The pirates hadn't noticed him yet, but Windsor wasn't particularly skilled at sneaking around and he'd already managed to kick a rock loose. He'd almost shit his pants but thankfully the pirates were occupied with Pan and One and their 'epic duel'.

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