nine; curiosity

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       Mary arrived at Tina's party with a scowl on her face and a whole vibe of bad attitude

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       Mary arrived at Tina's party with a scowl on her face and a whole vibe of bad attitude. She parked diagonally, not bothering to even try lining it up against the kerb.

      She had slammed her door shut and got out, instantly storming up the pebbled path with such a look on her face that it were as if her Halloween costume were actually herself the year before; the mean girl in charge.

       She barged by a couple that were making out on the steps, making the girl yell 'watch it!' up at her, but she kept going without an apology. She walked into the crowded house, pushing by many people that tried to greet her but she ignored them all.

       She reached the kitchen, having no idea that from across the way the likes of Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington had spotted her entrance and briefly stared over at her. Steve had formally been dancing with Nancy whilst Billy was lingering in a corner and smoking a cigarette; but she had managed to catch both their attention with her entrance.

       She moved straight for the table where multiple red solo cups lay and bowls of punch sat. She grasped a cup before scooping up some of the foggy liquor from the bowl and downing it in the one go with her head tipped back.

        She scrunched her face up as the alcohol burned its way down her throat before she scooped up some more, then grasped a bottle of vodka that had less than half in it.

       Suddenly, a pair of hands resting on her hips made her jump and the liquor missed the cup, "Shit!" She yelled, jumping back and right into the persons chest; she now had a cup full of vodka and little punch and a table soaked in alcohol that could have filled one more cup.

      The boy behind her rested his face in the crook of her neck and she clenched her jaw, "You're looking smoakin' tonight, Hopper." Billy Hargrove's voice whispered in her ear, his lips inches from her skin and she exhaled deeply.

      She yanked herself free of him, ripping his hands off her hips, "What the hell is your problem, Hargrove?!" She yelled at him, throwing her hands up, "How many times do I have to say I'm not interested until you take the hint?!"

      Billy smirked, "As many times as it takes till you realise you don't really mean it." His voice was challenging, trying to tempt her and she held his gaze, glaring at him.

      She shook her head, "You couldn't handle me."

       He stepped closer, enclosing her against the table and his body, "I think I could." He argued.

       She swallowed hard, "You couldn't." She insisted seconds before Billy was being forcefully yanked away from her and the boy stumbled back a few steps — clearly not sober.

       Steve was at Mary's side in an instant, glaring hard at Billy, "Stay the hell away from her, man." He ordered, gesturing at him with the cup of punch he was holding between his fingers.

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