twenty-seven; the graduation party

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      Everyone had done their jobs

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      Everyone had done their jobs. Joyce, Jonathan and Nancy had flushed out the mind flayer from inside of Will. Steve and the kids managed to lure the demodogs away from the Lab by doing the plan Mary hadn't been previously fond of. And Eleven had shut the gate with Hopper by her side. Everyone had succeeded and Hawkins was saved.

Hawkins Lab was overthrown by the military that finally showed up and shut it all down, sacking those that worked there and leaving them jobless — which Mary praised the lord for, because now that there was no crazy scientist there would be no even crazier monsters.

Everyone had reunited at the Hopper Cabin. Mary and her father had embraced tightly and wholesomely, not letting each other go for a long period of time. Mary had congratulated everyone else on stopping the mind flayer and their minions and had explained the situation with Charlie.

Everything in Hawkins went back to normal — after everything that had happened, somehow they had all managed to move by it and get on with their life's. Mary, for example, finally got her official internship at the police station and worked very closely alongside her father. She was doing little jobs here and there and getting some money that she was saving up for a deposit on her own place.

Somehow, Hopper had managed to pull some strings with Doctor Sam Owens and now, Corina had an entire backstory. There were documents made stating how she had been in the care system her whole life with the names of the schools she had attended and the names of her supposed biological parents. It was all fake, but at least it gave Corina somewhere to start over — to finally have the chance at leading a normal life. But in the meantime, instead of living in an abandoned house, Corina had moved in with Mary who was living with her mother because it was closer to the station and because she was working on their relationship.

Jim was alright with that — Mary moving in with her mother. Mostly because she still stayed over on weekends and he seen her every other weekday anyways — but he had to admit, it was weird not having her presence around all of the time. But even then, Hopper had something to look forward to — getting to raise a child again. Because Doctor Owens had pulled those strings again and somehow managed to change Eleven's name to Jane Hopper; making her Jim's official adoptive daughter.

Of course, this was all with Mary's blessing. She and Dr Owens had talked about it for weeks before officially pulling the documents together. Jim had cried when he opened the envelope, revealing El's new birth certificate and Mary had hugged him tightly. She thought her father deserved a second chance at raising a daughter since he had lost Sara and hadn't had much luck with raising her since she had practically been a nightmare. So, in theory it was the least she could do.

As for Charlie, after everything he had gone through that night he was slowly piecing himself back together and becoming his normal self again. However, he did plan on leaving Hawkins and so, the moment he and his friends graduated Hawkins High School, he was fully prepared to go. And it wasn't out of the blue, in fact, he and Mary had been pretty mature when discussing his plans to take a few years to travel Europe and see more of the world before coming back to Hawkins and taking over his fathers garage.

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