twenty-one; another death in hawkins

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       "Can you warp us to my dad?" Mary was asking Corina as the three of them walked down the corridors in a row, walking slowly and carefully

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"Can you warp us to my dad?" Mary was asking Corina as the three of them walked down the corridors in a row, walking slowly and carefully.

Corina shook her head, "Hell no," She responded without skipping a beat, "If anymore of those things show up I'll need my strength to fight them off — taking down that one was hard enough after warping to you." She said, the tone of her voice showing her words weren't to be negotiated with.

Mary sighed, holding the broken mop stick in her hand, "What do we do then? This place is in full on lockdown mode, how the hell do we get out to find help?" She asked quietly, open to suggestions on how to escape.

Charlie shrugged his shoulders, shaking his head, "I don't know but we should keep the talking to a minimum, we don't know how many more of those things are here..." He whispered and Mary sealed her lips shut, gulping back hard at his words.

As they walked, Mary's heart was beating at an alarmingly fast rate from how scared she was and she subconsciously gripped onto Charlie's hand, intertwining her fingers with his. He turned to her, looking shocked but then he gave a supportive smile that assured her everything would be alright. Corina rolled her eyes and walked ahead, her hand by her side was flexed and ready in case she needed it.

"Do we have any clue as to where we're going?" Mary spoke up, keeping her voice down.

"I'm looking for the entrance — that seems like the smartest place to be in case the lockdown is deactivated." Corina said as she walked ahead — Mary was relieved that for the first time since knowing the redhead, she wasn't reading her big heels that would click obnoxiously loud against the corridors of Hawkins High; because she was sure even the slightest noise could draw the attention of the monsters.

Mary nodded her head, "Makes sense," She commented. She went silent for a moment before the silence itself became deafening, "Hey um, Corina, can I ask you something?"

Corina sighed, rolling her eyes lined with dark eyeliner, "I have the feeling that even if I say no you're going to ask anyway so shoot." She said.

Mary licked here dry lips and then cringed at the salty taste — she had momentarily forgotten that she was covered in the monsters gore. She cleared her throat, "Are you alright with being back here? I mean, after, you know..." She trialed off, not wanting to mention how Corina had been stolen as a child, kept there against her will and experimented on for years of her childhood.

Corina didn't reply for so long that Mary assumed she wouldn't, "I suppose so," She suddenly answered, "I mean, it's not really like I'm familiar with this place... I only knew two places, my room and the place where I'd be taken when they'd do their experiments. The rest of this place is just hallways to me." She told her honestly, for one of the first times, her tone not being harsh or mean.

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