Chapter 12: First Official Date

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(Clemont's Pov)

This morning I felt like went by fast. We all got up, had breakfast, then packed up our things and headed off to Coumarine City. However along the way, Ash managed to get us lost but we managed to find the Kalos City Power Plant which was a relief...however again, Team Rocket came along and tried to take over the power plant and turned almost every electric type pokemon against us, even our own.

We all made some tough decisions but we did what we had to, to save our pokemon and everyone else. I was not only so afraid for the other pokemon including my own but Angel as well...I couldn't lose her...I just couldn't.

When I tried getting through to my Luxio, Angel cried out my name which hurt my heart and made me upset but I did what I had to, to save him. Angel went after her Rotom who used Thunder on her making her scream in pain. It pained me inside hoping to Arceus that this plan comes through and works out fine.

I tried so hard not to worry about anything but deep down I was so worried. Angel grabbed onto Rotom who jabbed it's arms into her sides making her scream and cry more. She grabbed him and weakly walked over to me and Luxio and held onto us tightly. We kissed to try and make the pain go away, which even for a split second it did.

After our plan worked to reverse the electric current of the Power Plant, I used my Clemontic gear to shoot up the electricity from our bodies and to the sky to make everything stop for a moment. Eventually the machines broke which knocked the Pokemon from their trance making them confused as to what happened and where they were.

I fell onto Luxio weakly while Angel fell to the floor. She was talking with her Rotom who looked so sad but Angel just smiled knowing that it had no control over what it did and she was at least relieved that it was okay. I weakly got up and went over to help her up. I was so scared I was going to lose her again and she was scared to lose me but I promised her that she will never lose me ever.

After all that happened, the day was coming to an end. Helicopters came to pick up the men who ran the power plant while I explained to everyone that I was going to back to my hometown to train more for when Me and Ash battle which I was excited for I just had to train more since he wanted to train with me and not Clembot who was currently running my gym.

Angel explained that she wanted to go with which I agreed to because we don't get to spend much time together alone just the two of us so I agreed as she hugged everyone goodbye and headed on the helicopter with me and the other guys.

I held onto Angel's hand tightly as she smiled tiredly and weakly. She must be exhausted from all that electricity we got zapped with, it's unreal how we're even alive right now but I'm glad that we are. When we took off, Angel lied her head on my shoulder and was out like a light in seconds.

I couldn't help but chuckle softly as I gently laid her head on my lap so she'd be more comfortable. I ran my fingers through her soft brown hair while she slept nice and peacefully. I kissed her head and smiled softly letting out a small sigh in relief. I was so happy that she was okay and that I have her in my life. I wouldn't have imagined myself having a girlfriend but I was very happy to have her in my life you have no idea how happy she made me...

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