Chapter 16: Reunited Once Again

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(Angel's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining through Clemont's bedroom window. I sighed and groaned as I rubbed my eyes tiredly while shielding them away from the bright sun that shone through. I yawned and felt Clemont's arms around my waist which made me smile shyly as I looked to see he was sleeping peacefully.

It was quiet for a moment till I heard noises coming from downstairs meaning the others must be awake. I looked up at the clock to see it was a little after 8am. I groaned a little and sat up being careful not to wake up Clemont. I stretched a bit and rubbed my face tiredly before looking over at the sleeping Clemont.

I bit my lip a bit before getting ontop of Clemont, straddling his waist. He stirred a bit which made me smile as I leaned down and pampered his face with kisses. He chuckled a bit while his lips twitched into a smile. He fluttered his beautiful blue eyes open and looked to see that I was on top of him. He blushed shyly and placed his hands on my thighs, rubbing them slightly.

I blushed and smiled shyly as I grabbed his glasses from the nightstand and put them on his face, "good morning Love" I said, he smiled softly, "morning Dear, did you sleep well?" he asked, I smiled and nodded as I leaned down and pressed my lips against his. His eyes widen a bit, taken back by my actions but then closed his eyes and kissed back. I ran my fingers though his hair as he ran his hands up and down my thighs.

I blushed and smiled as I felt Clemont swipe his tongue along my bottom lip. I smirked a bit and denied him access. He frowned before placing his hands on my upper thighs and squeezing slightly making me gasp a bit. Clemont chuckled and forced his tongue in my mouth. I let out a small whimper. Clemont chuckled and our tongues danced along in each other's mouths.

We both pulled away breathlessly, panting a bit as a trail of saliva left our mouths. We blushed and smiled as we got up and headed downstairs keeping quiet about our heated moments. When we headed downstairs to see Meyer already left for work but coffee was made which made me sigh in relief as I poured me and Clemont a cup.

He thanked me and kissed my head as we headed to the living room to see Serena was grooming everyone's pokemon while Bonny giggled and played with them and Ash was watching t.v and being lazy which made me roll my eyes a bit, ''Morning everyone'' I greeted, they looked at us and smiled "Morning" everyone said,

My pokemon ran over to me which made me giggle as I pet them all ''Awe good morning guys did you all sleep well?" I asked, they smiled and nodded which made me giggle softly, "Finally you guys are awake i'm starving" Ash whined, me and Clemont chuckled and rolled our eyes "I'll get started breakfast'' Clemont said which made me smile and nod as I went and helped him out.

I got out the pokemon food and fed everyone while Serena and Bonny set up the table. Ash of course complained and whined the entire time which if he didn't stop he would get smacked upside the head :). When breakfast was ready, we all served ourselves some food and sat down at the kitchen table, "So where are we heading next?" I asked,

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