Chapter 2: The Journey

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(Angel's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining through my cabin window. I sighed and groaned as I turned the other way wanting nothing more than to go back to to say I'm not really a morning person...well, I'm not even a people person anymore...

How can I be? I was abandoned by not the only the 2 people that were supposed to love me but a goddamn orphanage too. How the fuck does that even happen? You can't just abandoned a kid like that...can they? I mean an orphanage is for kids with no parents...I don't have those so what is so wrong with me that they also abandoned me? I mean what did I do that was so wrong? I don't understand...

I sighed and opened my eyes again before looking around to see all my Pokemon and Guardians scattered around my cabin, sleeping peacefully. I smiled softly looking at each and every one of them. We had my Fennekin, Female Nidoran, Rotom, Purloin, my Zorua who funny enough came from my guardian Zoroark and my Yveltal who was quite big and took up the majority of the room considering he was like 19" ft tall.

I giggled softly before seeing my Guardians huddled up by the front door in case there were ever any intruders or something suspicious going on. You can never be too careful, plus my Guardians are extremely protective of me and my Pokemon...they always have ever since they found me.

I remember it like it was only yesterday when they found me and took me in as their own. I mean given I was about 7 at the time and it's now been a decade later but I can still remember everything that happened that day...I remember growing up in the foster care system. I had a foster mom and dad but usually he worked while the mother took care of me and at least 6 other children...

I don't think they liked me very much given that I was the new baby so when I was a baby, all the attention was on me which I'm sure they didn't like, but my Foster mom did take care of me as a baby...I just don't know why that changed afterwards, after I grew up. I don't know what was so wrong with me that she simply had just given up on me, or why I was so hated.

I mean why me? I was a baby, a toddler who just wanted to be loved and cared for...why was that so hard? Why is it so hard to love someone like me? I mean it was bad enough growing up without knowing who my real parents were and knowing that they had given me up for adoption.

When I was at the age of acknowledging everything around me and having a brain to take in everything and remembering everything. I honestly had no idea where I was. My foster dad was never around and when he was, he didn't want anything to do with us, our foster mom acted like she was the best mom ever but then would punish us if we did something wrong or bad, whenever I tried to hang out with my foster siblings they would push and shove me to the ground and call me mean names and tell me I was so ugly, stupid, unloved and worthless and that my real parents would never love someone like me...

That's when I figured it all out...I was given up and it struck me like a dagger through my heart...I felt so alone, so abandoned and so worthless...I had cried to my foster mom about this and she didn't care...she would shove me away or tell me to grow up and forget about it and forget that I was a child...I was a little girl who just wanted someone to love her...but all those years, all my life I never got that from people...

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