Patrick's P.O.V

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Okay guys, so this is going to be from Patrick's point of view on how the whole downtown mass murder thing went down. This is going to be his view from the downtown vampire murder thing until three days later....

We hop into the car and speed downtown.

"Do you guys have everything," Joe asks.

"Yes, why would we walk in the middle of a blood bath and not be prepared," Pete sarcastically asks stopping the car in the middle of the street.

People are running every which way trying to escape with their lives. The streets are already littered with dead bodies. Pete and Joe get out then Andy and I climb out. I look to my right and see Reverend Hill blessing one of the bodies. Walking down the street... now standing in front of us are the top leaders of The Suits. The real leader of the pack disappears, and the vampires charge. I throw a stake at one,  and hit it right in the heart. He collapses to the ground with a sickening thud. Before I can turn around, I'm pinned to the wall. It's a Joker. He's knocked my electric net gun and bag of stakes I was holding out of my hands.

"Looks like I caught myself a hunter," he lowly says.

'Think Patrick. How do I get out of this,' I ask myself.

A idea quickly pops into my head, and I knee him in the balls a couple of times. He finally bends over, and I quickly grab a stake. I plunge it into his heart. He crumples to the ground, and I pull the stake out. Two down. A lot more to go. I look to my left, and there's a group of beautiful girls getting cornered by The Jokers. They're screaming, and I run over there. I stand between them, and The Jokers. They stare me in my eyes then quickly leave. Standing about 28 feet in front of me is Melissa walking straight toward Brendon. Each girl that's walking are walking toward a individual vampire. I scream her name, but she doesn't hear me... she just keeps walking toward Brendon without a care in the world. He has to be controlling her. He's more powerful that Pete... It would be easy for him to get inside her head. I aim the electric net gun at Brendon, but she's walking around him just like every other girl. It looks like a musical dance number. Before I can start running toward them, I feel shooting pains rush through my body. I feel hands grabbing me, and fangs sinking into my skin. As more and more blood's drained, my vision gets blurry. I feel like I might faint and eventually I do.

When I wake up, I'm being dragged by down the street by a police. I try to fight, but my strength's drained completely out of me. He presses me against a police car and put handcuffs on me. I weakly look around for Pete, Andy, and Joe. To my left, I see Joe standing against a cop car with police around him. To my right, Andy's surrounded by police near a cop car. Pete's nowhere to be seen. Where's Melissa? Oh my God, no this can't be happening! Brendon! He either killed her or took her! As I'm about to yell Andy's name, I'm shoved into a police car. The police get in the car and start driving. One of them turns around and laughs. There's fangs!

"What did you do to her," I weakly shout.

He looks at me and laughs.

'Shut up and go to sleep,' a powerful voice booms inside of my head.

My eyelids become heavy, and they shut. When I wake up, I'm in a jail cell alone... laying on the floor. I go to rub my eyes when I see bite marks on my wrists. That's when memories of last night start popping into my head.I walk toward the only window in there, and a police comes walking up like he owns the place.

He opens the door and dazedly says, "You're free to go."

No fangs... I hesitantly walk out of the cell and look all around.

"Why," I suspiciously ask.

"They said to release you when you wake up. They have a message for you... 'The playing field's even'," he says walking away.

A Little Less Sixteen Candles... (A Fall Out Boy Fanfiction)//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now