Screwed Up Mind and Body

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The next thing I know is that a man's on top of me. We're both naked, and I catch myself from moaning. He's literally having sex with me. I start to scream and move, but he's too strong. The man pins me to the bed as he continues.

"Get the fuck off," I scream.

He stops and pulls himself out.

He looks down at me and whispers, "Your head's really screwed up which means we get all the fun."

"Get the fu-," I begin to say as another naked man with black hair and brown eyes comes walking into the room.

"William, it's my turn again," he says smirking.

"She just came to," William says rolling off of me.

Before I can get up, the other man's on top of me.

"What do you mean 'it's my turn again, and she just came to,'" I quietly mumble trying to break free.

"I've probably fucked you at least 4 times now... this will be my fifth. Since Pete messed with that pretty innocent mind of yours, it's literally fried. One minute you know who we are, and you're going along with what were doing. The next you're fighting. Looks like I'll have to make your innocent mind and dirty body remember," the man whispers in your ear.

"Please no," I whisper.

His hands start tracing the curves of my body, and I try to push him off of me.

"If you move, I'll go down on you so hard that you won't be able to walk for a year," he growls in my ear.

i whimper and lay still underneath him. He begins kissing my inner thighs. I let out another whimper in fear as he positions himself in between my legs.

"It'll be over soon as I help you remember," the man whispers rubbing my hair out of my face.

William's watching from the corner of the room. Suddenly, the man begins to thrust himself into me. I let out a cry, and tears start slipping down my face. As he keeps doing it, I begin to moan a little.

He smirks and moans, "That's it Mel just remember."

He begins to go harder, faster, and deeper. He grabs my shoulders tightly as I grab the sheets tightly. Something in my brain clicks. I start moving my hips in sync with his. I press my body closer to his, and I don't try to contain the moans.

"Brendon," I moan as I scratch his back.

"There's my Mel," he moans stopping.

I smirk and roll over to where I'm on top of him. He smirks, and I kiss him along the chest nipping after each kiss.

"This is my job," Brendon growls rolling over to where he's on top of me.

I notice William standing in the shadows watching us.

"What's William doing," I quickly ask.

"About to join us," Brendon whispers smirking.

I smile, and suddenly William's laying directly underneath you.

"This should be sexy," William whispers in your ear.

They begin to screw me in unison. I swear the whole bed's about to collapse, and the whole entire universe can hear us. We become sweaty, and everything fades into blackness.

A Little Less Sixteen Candles... (A Fall Out Boy Fanfiction)//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now