Joe's P.O.V

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We quickly hop in the car. I don't even bother to put on my seat belt.

I shout, "Slow down Pete! We don't want to die before we get there!"

He lets out a low growl and slow down a bit.

"Do you guys have everything," I ask looking at each of them .

"Yes, why would we walk in the middle of a blood bath and not be prepared," Pete sarcastically asks me stopping the car in the middle of the street.

"Just making sure," I mumble under my breath.

We get out of the car, and a wave of screaming hits us. People are running around with bleeding wounds. Some are kids and some are adults. Vampires are chasing some of them. I notice Dirty laying dead on the ground few hundred feet away. You were a great friend Dirty. Something's different tonight... all different groups of the vampires aren't even bothering to control their victims. They're interested in chasing them down. Which we never hardly see around here. A couple of feet away I see one Joker pinning a screaming girl to the wall. I quietly sneak up on them. The girl notices me, and I put a finger to my lips. She takes the hint. I quickly plunge the stake through his heart. A gurgle escapes his mouth and falls to the ground. The girl screams and takes off running.

"Well, I don't get a thanks," I mumble.

I turn around and move to the next vampire. Vampire after vampire I kill. I manage to escape with a few scratches and bruises. I see at least 10 Suits gathering in the middle of the chaos. They're all staring intently at something. Seconds later, girls start walking toward them. One girl for each of them. I pick Melissa out of the girls walking toward Brendon. She has this dazed look on her face. I see Patrick standing off to the side with his gun aimed yelling her name. I begin to quickly walk toward her, but a Suit walks out in front of me, and punches me in the face.

I wake up to a police standing over me. My head's killing me. I look around and realize that I'm in a jail cell.

I wobbly stand up, and the man says, "You can leave now."

"There has to be a catch," I ask him.

"No. They told me that you could leave. They also told me to tell you, 'Alive or dead... that's up to your group of hunters,'" he says walking away.

A Little Less Sixteen Candles... (A Fall Out Boy Fanfiction)//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now