Pete's P.O.V.

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"Ugh, what the fuck happened," I groan as I sit up.

I'm on top of a car, and I suddenly remember what happened a couple of hours ago. Oh my God, Patrick. The sun's almost up, and I numbly look around for Patrick, Andy, and Joe. I see Patrick's body laying on the ground. His skin is pale and his lips are blue. He looks so peaceful except the blood surrounding him, and the two puncture wounds in his neck. I can feel tears start to form in my eyes, but I push them back. I stumble off of the car, and walk over to Andy who is just starting to wake up.

I sped over to him, and he mumbles, "What the hell?"

I look over at Patrick's body, and Andy follows my gaze.

"Oh my God," he mumbles as he burst out crying.

"It's okay... We'll make them pay," I numbly say getting up to go see if Joe's okay.

I can still a heart beat, but there's agash in his forehead. He'll be unconscious for a while. I pick him up and walk back to Andy who's shakily standing up.

"I'll get Patrick's body," Andy quietly says in between sobs.

"You don't have to... I'll get him," I say.

God, it's breaking my heart to see Andy crying... it's breaking my heart to see Patrick dead. His own sister... my own... friend... turned against us with a snap of Brendon and William's stupid motherfucking fingers. They both turned her into a vampire, and I swear I will kill them two assholes if it's the last thing I do.

"I'll get him," Andy says picking him up.

When we get home, we lay Patrick's body on his bed, and I lay Joe on the couch. Andy tends to Joe's wounds as I lock myself in Patrick's study. When I lock the door, I press my back to it and slide down to the floor. I start crying my eyes out. Why the hell did he of all people have to die? He never did hurt any innocent person. He was the person that kept us sane. My best friend who helped me when I first got turned. He never did judge me. Patrick stuck by my side even when I hurt him. Patrick was the little nerdy kid I formed a band with. He was never supposed to die this young. Never. Ever. Ever. I put my head between my knees and continue crying. Eventually I fall asleep because I wake up to Joe screaming. I run out of the room to find Joe on his knees beside Patrick's body crying his eyes out. Andy's quietly sobbing in the corner, and fresh tears start streaming down my face.

"This is going to end today. I'm going to go over there and fucking kill every last one of them," I growl.

"You can't just go over there by yourself and get yourself killed Pete! We can't deal with another one of us dying," Andy yells at me.

"We have to do something! They killed Patrick," I scream.

"We can get help from the other guys," Andy says.

"I'm calling them now," I growl stalking out of the room.

I grab the phone and dial their number.

"Yo," Mikey says.

"We need your help. Now. They killed Patrick," I say.

"What?!?! We'll be right there," he loudly says.

I hang up, and minutes later they're knocking at the door. I rush to it and open the door. Mikey, Frank, Ray, Bob, Hayley, and Kirstin are standing there dressed in their standard black clothing. I nod my head, and they come in.

"Where is he," Hayley quietly asks.

"In his study," I mumble.

I can tell she's  been crying. Her face is tear stained.

"I'm so sorry Pete," Frank says.

"Yeah, whatever. We need to attack them as soon as possible before they can make another move," I hiss.

"We're ready whenever you guys are. I would love to see them die. They've messed woth us in the past and hit us hard," Mikey says.

"How," I ask.

"We have our reasons," he says.

"How about tonight or tomorrow night," Kirstin says.

"Deal," I say nodding.

"What about Melissa," Mikey asks.

"Don't kill her. I think she cn be helped. Patrick wouldn't want her to die," I say trying not to start crying again.
(A/N: Okay, sorry it was short, but I'm about to leave pe... I wanted you guys to know where the story stands so far. The bell just rang, and I'm walking to lunch. Also, sorry if there's mistakes in here... I couldn't use the spell checker thingy. Well, thoughts, comments, ideas to where it could be going? I'll reply to them if I'm still in lunch, free time in class, or after school. See ya)

A Little Less Sixteen Candles... (A Fall Out Boy Fanfiction)//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now