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EROS CHECKED HIS SILVER WATCH, ignoring all the fuss around him

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EROS CHECKED HIS SILVER WATCH, ignoring all the fuss around him. The sunlight bounced off his watch, making the silver piece shine more than it already was. He had just landed in Vegas for the grand re-opening of his extravagant club. He admitted, he had a soft spot for the city of lights. It's where he opened the original Sin City. He fought tooth and nail to get that club open, and it was the best decision he could ever make. He never expected the business to sky rocket so quickly and make him one of the youngest billionaires in the world.

If only he didn't have to put the original out of business a last year.


The brown haired male looked up from his jewelry to his a microphone just a few mere inches from his face. Irritation nipped at him. He just got off a plane, couldn't he get to where he needed to be without the paparazzi in his face?

He flashed his signature charming grin, revealing two rows of pearly whites. He nearly went blind with how much camera flashes went off.

"Eros, " the interviewer called again, glancing at his camera man. "As we heard, this is your first day back in Vegas. How does it feel?"

'It would feel better if you got the fuck out of my face.'

"It feels great," He started with a artificial chuckle. "I'm back where it all started."

He curled his tatted fingers into fists in his pocket. He really didn't have time for this. Yes, at some times he could be a patient man, but unfortunately today wasn't one of those days. He just wanted to see his club again. Was that too much to ask?

"We heard that you're going to be in the casino and club, is that true?" The cameraman and interviewer started following him as he walked briskly to the sleek limo waiting for him.

"Yes." He answered vaguely.

"What will you do to ensure that the security breach of last year doesn't happen again?"

Eros froze, looking at the interviewer. The skinny man shoved the microphone in his face and pushed the camera closer.

He sighed, reminding himself the breach was something of the past. He flashed another grin.

"We doubled the security and tripled the complexity of actually getting a membership card. A lot of adjustments were made–" he glanced at his watch. "But don't worry, we assure you the breach won't happen again. " Eros turned to the camera, forcing his signature panty dropping smile.

"Be sure to be there tonight."

With that, he opened the door to his limo and sat down. The windows automatically rolled up, blocking out the shouts and cameras of the paparazzi.

Damn his head hurt.

"You look stressed." A feminine voice said from across from him. He sighed, using the pads of his fingers to soothe his raging headache. Of course she would be here. He couldn't catch a break could he?

His stormy irises looked up to see the familiar face of his ex–wife. Her pink painted lips were upturned in a smug smirk. He couldn't lie, she was a beautiful woman. With long brownish blond hair, much like his own. Her skin was flawless, but she insisted on wearing makeup. Her green eyes popped against her dark eye makeup.

'Almost as dark as her soul.'

She was a makeup artist, working for big music stars and models across LA and Vegas. He wished she was ugly. She would be easier to hate.

"Indiana, don't. Start." He growled, trying to calm his aching temple. She let out a small laugh, irritating his temple further.

"Don't be like that Elijah, I only want to make conversation."

Was she trying to purposely irritate him?

"Fuck you and fuck conversation. The only reason I haven't thrown you out of my car is because you're carrying my seed." He snarled, undoing the top few buttons of his pristine white shirt.

Indiana's perfect eyebrows rose in amusement.

"Aww, did you hear that? Daddy's grumpy." She cooed, rubbing her hands over her stomach. He seethed in silence, trying my hardest not to strangle this woman.

'She's pregnant with your child, Eros. She's pregnant with your child.'

"Stop talking to my child like I'm not here."

"Oh, it's your child now?" She scoffed, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder. "It takes two to make a baby, you selfish bastard."

"Fuck you, you pretentious bi–"

"Elijah! There's a child present."

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me Elijah?"

"Hey!" Eros and Indiana looked towards the divorced woman's secretary. Kara was a petite Korean woman, couldn't be over twenty two. She was almost always annoyed with Eros for some unknown reason. She adjusted her bulbous glasses before clearing her throat.

"While I would love to sit here and listen to you two bicker, we have a lot to do before Sin City re-opens." She said, her accent.

Sighing, I ran my fingers through my gelled back hair. "What's on the agenda today?"

Kara rolled her eyes at me before raising her clipboard. "It's currently twelve pm now, and we're supposed to be at Marcel's by twelve forty-five for a sponsorship deal. After that–"

Eros' gaze moved to outside the window. Surely there was more to life than this? It wasn't that he was unhappy with his life the way it was. He loved that people loved his creation. He wanted to enjoy it with them, partying like he didn't have any stupid paperwork to do, or dancing like he didn't have to attend advertisement meeting every three seconds. I guess that was the hard part about being a billionaire.

He wouldn't change it for the world though.

Eros watched the busy streets pass by in a blur as the limo whizzed passed them.

Tonight's the night.

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