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June quickly ran back to the bar part of the club, scolding herself. What the hell was she thinking? Where had she even learned to move her body like that?  The young woman was having something short of a panic attack, hyperventilating a little. She hadn't even moved like that for her fiancé, and here she was, moving in front of a whole crown of people.

And for him.

A haunting seductive picture of his piercing eyes made it's way to the engaged woman's brain. He had seen her. She remembered how his gaze seemed to darken as his eyes swept over her curves. He was staring at her the way a lion stared at a gazelle. Predatory. She felt her face heat up and she brought both of her hands to her warm cheeks. Stupid, stupid, stupid! She thought to herself. Was it wrong she didn't feel bad about seducing him?

"Babe, what's wrong? You left me all alone there," Lucien's accented voice broke her out of her trance. Her brown orbs flickered up to look at the platinum blonde. Lucien looked at her newfound friend, noticing her slightly panicked features. "June? What's–"

"I'm engaged is what's wrong!" She cried out, effectively cutting the pale woman off. Her small fingers found her way to her pigtails, combing through them. "And I flew all the way to Las Vegas to find him cheating–"


"But I found nothing! Nothing, Lucien!"

"June, babe, listen to me–"

"And not only did I find nothing, I actively did the same thing that I was trying to catch him doing! I seduced another man! And I liked it!"


"What?!" June snapped, exasperation coating her tongue. Lucien smirked and pointed behind the trembling woman. The platinum blonde ordered another drink before winking at her and strutting off. June watched her go in confusion before sighing and turning around.

Almost immediately she was hit with the expensive and very masculine scent of Eros. There the man of the hour stood, clad in a spotless black suit. His button up– which bore the same color– was silk, and had the top few buttons undid, showing off the designs that danced on his chest. June gulped and froze, her eyes wondering up his body. The tattoos crept up his neck and stopped right below his jaw. Oh, his jawline. If she ran her finger along his jawline she would surely get cut by how sharp it was. His face was cleanly shaven, with kissable pink lips. And those eyes. They sent pleasant shivers down her back. A smirk made it's way to the man's face.

"If you're done staring, I would love to know your name," His voice was deep and sultry, like he was the actual human personifications burning red Eros. June quickly shook herself out of the trance, her mouth drying up. She forced her eyes away from his, her lap taking interest. He was so close. The male let out a sexy chuckle before ordering two drinks.

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