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EROS SLOWLY RAISED HIS DRINK to his lips, feeling the bittersweet wine sting the back of his throat

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EROS SLOWLY RAISED HIS DRINK to his lips, feeling the bittersweet wine sting the back of his throat. Was she trying to get fucked? What a tease she was. He watched the mystery girl's petite body dance to the beat, slowly moving that tight ass of hers. He let his eyes wander up and down her body. Her oversized T-shirt dress hung loose on her body, leaving much to the imagination. His eyes glided up her smooth legs that disappeared into her heeled white boots. Oh, how he would love to kiss up her smooth legs into her inner thighs—

The small woman suddenly turned around to face him, a mischievous smirk on her face. Eros smirked back. What was she planning?

"Get you a straw, nigga," she sung, winking at him as if singing it to him directly. She then turned around and lay her palms against her knees, moving her backside in an alluring way. Her T-Shirt dress lifted a little to show her red underwear. "You know this pussy is juicy." Eros felt his friend start to get excited, twitching in his pants. So she was teasing him.

He watched on as the mystery girl started dancing again without a care in the world. His pink tongue flicked across his bottom lip. He wondered what she would look like with those legs of hers wrapped around his waist. His large hands gripping her tight ass as he pounds into her relentlessly—

"Got your eyes on chocolate down there?" His best friend, Chase, looked down on him smirking. Elijah tore his eyes away from the mystery woman, grinning at his best friend. "I might." Chase glanced at the woman, raising his eyebrow. Chase was his first and only best friend. They both met at a young age, and agreed to build an empire together. Now look at them, years later with him owning Levithan Casinos and SinCity, and Chase being an owner to a successful bar all over Vegas.

"I didn't know you were into black women."

Eros swiped his fingers through his quiff. "Shit, me either." He said breathlessly, stealing another glance at the woman. In all his twenty seven years of living, he had never actually dated or had sex with a black women. Not that he had a prejudice against them, but he never actually made a conscious decision to date one.

He turned to Chase.

"Is Alfonso here?" He asked in all seriousness, the neon red lights reflecting on his pale face. Chase narrowed his eyes, glancing around the both of them.

"My men informed me that he as seen entering he casino, but that's about it."

When Eros said he built Sin City and his Casinos on his own — and others — blood, sweat, and tears he meant it. You couldn't be as successful as he was without some underground help. Especially in his family. He had connections all over the world with all kinds of people. He wouldn't quite say he was a part of the mafia, but he might as well be. He had gained quite a bit of respect from famous mob bosses around the LA and Vegas area. He didn't let anything or anyone stand in his way of building his empire. Those who tried to, however, well— we don't talk about them.

"What about his men? Didn't he say he wanted to discuss something?" He asked, bringing his iced drink up to his lips. Chase shrugged. "It was only him." It's kind of strange." The blonde haired man grimaced. "He never comes alone."

Eros shared his expression. "Well, only time will tell." His eyes glided back to the mystery woman, whose eyes were already on him. The jumped a little in her seat by the bar, next to some blond haired woman. The blond whispered something to the mystery woman, making her eyes widen. She put her hands over her face, seemingly flustered.

'Oh?' Eros thought. 'A shy one?'

The woman pried her hands off her face before she looked at back at him with an utterly adorable face. She looked flustered, biting her lip in what seemed to be nervousness.

Smirking, He raised his drink to her.

She nodded as she quickly turned around.

Chuckling, he turned back to Chase who was smirking at him. "What?" He asked innocently.

Chase smirked and twirled his drink. "You're obviously enthralled with chocolate over there. Go talk to her."

Eros licked his lip and bit it, looking back at the woman.

"Shit you're right." He stood and fixed his suit jacket. And with that, he was off.

A/N: please don't forget to vote and comment. It means a lot!

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