» | first sight

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JUNE GAZED AT THE CASINO in awe. She barley heard Tiana saying goodbye to the uber driver. Leviathan Casino was huge. The place screamed class, with palm trees and everything. The place seemed to be a double building built together. It's golden lights shone radiantly.

"Woah." June gushed her chocolate orbs drinking in the beautiful complex.

" June gushed her chocolate orbs drinking in the beautiful complex

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"Close your mouth hun, you'll catch flies." Tiana generously said, closing her gaping jaw. Was she not as impressed as June was? "Bitch!" June exclaimed over the sounds of chattering and cars. She grinned widely, gesturing to the casino. "Do you see how big this place is? I'm fucking shook!" Tiana laughed, looking at her best friend with an amused expression.

She grabbed the gawking girl's hand and guiding her inside.

Inside was even more beautiful. It was rimmed with gold. The lights seemed to illuminate the place beautifully, with pool tables and gambling tables littered everywhere.

June tore her eyes away from the place, quickly retrieving the card from her bra

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June tore her eyes away from the place, quickly retrieving the card from her bra. 'Let me stop looking at it before I catch a heart attack out this bitch.' Tiana on the other hand laughed, spinning on the red carpet.

"Yes! I'm loving Vegas already! Whenever you're ready!"

"Keep spinning like that and ya titties will fall clean out." June said. June nodded excitingly. This was her first time being in a casino, not to talk about a club. She barley remembered the last time she drank.

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