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THE PLANE RIDE WAS RELATIVELY smooth. Even though they booked a flight the night before, they were able to get on the same plane. Although in different seats, they were on the plane. They had some problems with the flight attendant, but nevertheless they were on their way to Vegas.

June felt nervous. She had never really been a confrontational person. She was much more of a lover, not a fighter. Although she didn't let people walk all over her, confronting her boyfriend of five years somehow scared her. Yes, she was upset that he was sneaking around behind her, but maybe she made the wrong decision? What if he really was on a business trip, and she ended up looking stupid? She highly doubted it, but there was the possibility.

Tiana looked at June with raised eyebrows. "Girl. I already know what you're thinking sis. We ain't going back." She quipped, rolling her luggage towards the airport exit. June's chocolate hues widened as she struggled to catch up with the dark skinned woman. Was she an actual mind reader?

Cursing her short legs, she power walked to her best friend who had already made it outside. "Anyways," Tiana started. "Sydney should be here in a little bit." June detected irritation in her voice. That confused the curly haired woman. Last time she checked, Tiana and Sydney were close. She decided not to push it.

Her mind wondered off to her fiancé— could she still even call him that?Where even was he? Who was the bimbo or bimbos  he was messing with? The last thought made a chill run up her spine. She couldn't imagine only man she had had been with fucking some random girl.

A small blue car pulled up in front of the airport.

"Speak of the devil," Tiana muttered, flipping her silk press over her shoulder.

The car was– loud– to say the least. The small Honda was basically bumping up and down with the bass of the song. Powerglide blasted from the speakers of the vehicle, the vibrations feeling in to the pavement. June looked at the car warily.

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