Chapter 1

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   My name is Blair Cohen and this is the story of how I fell in love with an older woman. It all started that faithful night at a bar...

   Emma dragged me towards the front door of this bar she drove me to. She swore she knew the owner and that he'd let us drink even though we were under age. I had my doubts.

   I planted my feet causing both of us to stop.

   "What's the problem now?" Emma asked, slightly irritated.

   I looked around nervously at the people entering and exiting the bar.

   "Are you sure this guy doesn't care that we're not twenty-one?" I asked in a hushed tone.

   She took a quick look around as well before pulling me away from the crowd, putting her hands on my shoulders and staring me in the eyes. "Look, don't worry, ok? He's an old friend of my dads and I've known him all my life."


   "So, he won't mind if we celebrate our graduation with a couple beers." She said, plastering a huge grin on her face.

   I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Fine, lead the way."

   "That's the spirit!" She cheered before grabbing my arm and marching back towards the door.

   As we pushed through the front doors, the smell of cigarette smoke and alcohol hit my nose hard. I covered it as Emma wandered off, in search of something or someone.

   I stood still by the front doors, looking around, quickly realizing everyone was staring at me.

   With a nervous wave, I took a seat at the bar and awaited Emma's return.

  Then, a burly man walked up to me from behind the bar. "You old enough to be here?" He asked while drying a shot glass.

   I looked around nervously. "I... uh-"

   "Hey! Jimmy! I've been looking all over for you." Emma shouted from behind me, causing me to nearly jump out of my seat.

   Jimmy pulled Emma into a tight hug. "Emmy! Long time no see." He said after they pulled apart.

   "Way to long. This is Blair by the way, she's with me." Emma said, gesturing to me.

   I waved nervously.

   He stretched his hand in my direction. "Nice to meet you."

   I shook it and nodded.

   He looked between the two of us. "I take it you girls are here for a drink?"

   "Yep, celebrating our graduation." Emma answered.

   "Well, congrats. First rounds on me." He said as he pulled out two beers and handed them to us.

   Emma took a big swig and smiled at me. I looked at my beer for a second before taking a tiny sip.

   I almost spit it back up, but thought better of it and forced myself to swallow it.

   I coughed as Emma patted me on the back. "You'll get used to it." She said.

   I just nodded.

   "Well, have fun. I'm gonna go mingle." She said as she made eyes at a guy across the bar.

   "Isn't he a little old?" I asked.

   "I might not be old enough to drink, but I'm old enough to do other things." She finished with a wink as she made her way towards him.

   After she was out of sight, I pushed the beer aside and asked Jimmy for a water...

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