Fifty Thousand Reads Special Alternate Ending!

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Quick Authors Note:

   Ok, to show my appreciation for that insane number of reads, I've decided to give back with a special alternate ending.

   I wasn't sure if I wanted to write it at first, which is why I initially left the question up to you guys. But, there are a lot more Jane fans out there than I expected. So, as thanks, I'm writing this chapter for you guys.

   I still can't thank you guys enough, hopefully this will help all the Jane fans sleep better at night XD

   Please enjoy :)


   I looked nervously at the door in front of me. Behind that door was the love of my life. The dream that's been swirling around my head for the last few months.

   A long breath escaped me as I knocked a few times before taking a step back.

   The door opened a couple seconds later, Jane's shocked face greeting me.

   "Blair..? What're you doing here..?"

   I looked down, playing with my fingernails. "Can we talk..?"

   She stared at me for a long second before nodding and inviting me inside.

   I followed her into the apartment, hesitantly taking a seat next to her on the couch, silence filling the room.

   Then, I sighed. "Jane, the last few months have been a rollercoaster of emotions... so many things have happened and I feel like I've grown so much in that time... but, the one thing that mattered the most was you... from the first moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were special, I knew that you were the only woman I'd ever wanna be with... because I love you... I love you, Jane, and watching you walk out of my life was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do..."

   Jane grew silent, slowly taking my hand in hers. "I love you to, Blair..."

   I looked over at her, a smile forming on my lips. "Wait... really?"

   She smiled as well, giving me a small nod. "Like you said, from the first moment I saw you, I knew I could never live without you... but, your parents, I couldn't come between your family. I had to do what I thought was right..."

   I gave her hand a squeeze. "This moment, the two of us together, that's what's right."

   Her smile grew wider. "You mean, your parents..?"

   I nodded happily. "You have their blessing."

   I noticed a few happy tears well behind her eyes as she leaned in, pressing a deep kiss to my lips.

   Mustering all of her love and feelings into one gesture. A kiss like you've never experienced before. A kiss that sealed our fate...

Two Years Later...

   Emma stood behind me, finishing up my hair before glancing at me through the mirror. "So, what do you think?"

   I smiled. "It looks... fantastic."

   She smiled back, offering me her arm.

   I took it and let her lead me out of the chair I was sitting in.

   We strolled towards the bathroom door, stopping in front of it.

   Emma turned to me. "I'm so proud of you."

   I smiled wide, pulling her into a tight hug. "Thank you... for everything."

   She pulled away, patting my shoulder. "Don't mention it. Now, get your ass out there, we have a wedding to attend."

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