Chapter 17

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   "I thought you said she dumped you?" Emma asked as we drove towards Janes apartment.

   I sighed and looked down. "She did... but she had a good reason."

   "What do you mean?"

   I looked over before breaking into the story of what happened at my house. "... then she kissed me before driving off."

   Emma nodded. "Damn... that's rough."

   "Tell me about it... but, that's why I have to talk to her. I have to tell her that I love her and that I can't lose her."

   Emma broke out into a big grin. "My little Blair's finally starting to grow up."

   I smiled back. "Shut up."

   She laughed. "Do you know what you're gonna say?"

   I shrugged. "Well, I should probably start by telling her I slept with Lindsay."

   Emma slammed on the brakes and faced me. "You what!?"

   I lowered my head. "Hey, I was drunk and heartbroken... and she told me she liked me... and well..."

   She gave me a serious look. "Blair, do you like Lindsay?"

   I sighed. "No... no, I'm in love with Jane."

'Then why can't you get Lindsay out of your head?'

"Are you sure?"

I nodded. "Yes, now lets go."

She nodded back before continuing our drive to Janes apartment.

We pulled to a stop behind her car and I jumped out of Emma's. "Don't go anywhere."

She smiled. "I'll be right here."

I smiled back before making a beeline for Janes building.

I charged up the steps until I found her room number.

I took in a deep breath before knocking.

'You can do this, Blair... you love her, remember that.'

Then, the door opened and Janes eyes locked onto mine. "Blair..? what're you doing here..?"

I looked down, playing with my fingernails. "Can we talk..?"

She was quiet for a second before nodding.

I followed her into her apartment and we sat down on the couch, silence surrounding us.

Then, I sighed. "Jane, the last few months of my life have been a rollercoaster of emotions... so many things have happened and I feel like I've grown so much in that time... but the one thing that mattered the most was you... from the first moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were special, I knew that you were the only woman I'd ever wanna be with... because I love you... I love you Jane and watching you walk out of my life was one of the hardest things Ive ever had to do..."

Jane was quiet again, before taking my hand in hers. "I love you to, Blair..."

I looked over at her, a smile forming on my lips... but, it quickly faded.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

I lowered my head. "For months those were the only words I thought I needed to hear. That those words would seal our fate... but, now that I've heard them..."

"You didn't wanna hear them from me..." Jane finished.

'She was right... I loved Jane, but I developed feelings for someone else along the way.'

Old Enough For Love (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now