Chapter 4

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"... Jane?"

She smiled warmly at me. "You look like you could use a ride."

I stared at her in silent awe. 'What're the odds?'


My brain told me to say no, but my heart said yes and sadly my heart won.


She smiled as she helped me up off the curb. I followed her into her car and then we were off.

It was quiet for a minute until she spoke up. "So... what're you doing all the way out here?"

My face flushed. 'I cant tell her I was at the movies with Lindsay, she'd hate me for sure. But, what else could I say?'


   My mind went blank.

   Then, she laughed.

   I looked at her, slightly shocked. "What'd I say?"

   "You didn't have to say anything... you were on a date weren't you?"

   My eyes widened and my face heated up. 'How did she know?'

   "Uh... of course not... I was... um..."

   She let out another small laugh. 'God, her voice was beautiful...'

   "Blair, it's ok..."

   I gave her a quick sideways glance, but refused to say anything. I've already embarrassed myself enough tonight.

   It started to grow quiet again.

   "So... what happened?" She asked, cutting through the silence.

   I sighed. 'I might as well tell her. She already knows.'

   "Well... everything was going great... then I kissed her."

   She was good at hiding it, but I could tell she was surprised.

   She cleared her throat. "And..?"

   I looked at my feet. "Then, I ran out on her."

   Jane stopped the car and turned to me. "Why?"

   I rubbed the back of my neck. 'Because it wasn't you.'

   "I don't know..."

   "Blair... does this have anything to do with... you know?"

   I felt my whole body heat up at the thought of it. "N-no. I just didn't like her like that."

   She didn't seem to buy it, but dropped the subject anyway.

Then, we were on the road again, in silence...

   We were almost to my house when she stopped the car again.

   I glanced at her.

   "Hey... uh... you wanna grab a bite to eat?"

   'Don't do it. Don't do it..! To late.'

   "Uh, sure."

   She gave me a small smile. "What sounds good?"

   "Whatever you want, I don't mind."

   "Pizza it is." She replied with a chuckle.

   I smiled lightly to myself. Her smile was amazing. 'How could she get any cuter?'

   We pulled into the parking lot of the pizza place before walking inside.

We each ordered a slice and headed for a table in the back.

Old Enough For Love (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now