5k Reads: Special Epilogue

2.3K 56 9

Quick authors note:

First of all, thanks so much for five thousand reads!!! I never expected this book to do as well as it has and that's all thanks to you fabulous readers.

And, speaking of you fabulous readers, to show my appreciation for getting this book to 5K reads, I've decided to write a special bonus chapter. I didn't intend on writing an epilogue initially, but this is my way of giving back. So, I hope you enjoy :)

(Also, if you liked the way the story ended, you don't have to read this part.)


Five Years Later...

Today was a special day, because today was our five year anniversary. Blair didn't know about it, but I had a little surprise party planned for later...

   My eyes fluttered open, the morning sun shining through the window lit up our bedroom.

   I looked over, seeing Blair still sleeping peacefully next to me.

   I smiled lightly to myself before leaning over to whisper in her ear. "Blair, its time to wake up."

   She started to stir before turning to face me, a smile lighting up her face. "Good morning."

   I planted a soft kiss on her lips. "Guess what today is?"

   She tapped her chin. "Hmm... I don't know, what's today?"

   I hit her with my pillow, faking a shocked look. "I can't believe you forgot!"

   She laughed, pulling me down for another kiss. "I'm only kidding, of course I know what today is. It's the five year anniversary of when I fell in love with the most beautiful woman on the planet."

   I smiled before planting a few more soft kisses on her lips. "And? What else?"

   She smiled back. "And, it's the three year anniversary of when I married that beautiful woman."

   My smile grew a little wider. "I love you."

   "I love you to." She replied.

   After getting ready for the day, I sat down at the kitchen table, Blair joining me soon after with a small, wrapped box in her hand.

   She set it down in front of me before sitting across from me.

   I picked up the box. "What's this?"

   "Open it."

   I smiled down at the box as I pulled the bow and wrapping paper off. I lifted the lid on the box, revealing a beautiful gold necklace, an intricate, heart-shaped pendant hanging from the chain. "For my true love" was etched onto the back of the pendant.

   "I hope you like it." She said.

   "It's beautiful." I replied, running my thumb over the pendant.

   She stood up and walked behind me. "Here, let me help you put it on."

   I handed her the necklace before lifting my hair while she wrapped the necklace around my neck and latched it.

   "So? How does it look?" I asked.

   "It looks a lot better on you then it did sitting in that box."

   I smiled, standing up to kiss her. "Thank you for the beautiful gift, and don't worry, I have something special planned for you today."

   She smiled. "I can't wait to see what it is."

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