Chapter 3

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   It's been a few weeks since I saw Jane, the last time being at the diner. The look on her face played through my head, over and over again.

I rubbed my thumb over the napkin with Lindsay's number on it.

'I should just grow up and call her already.' I thought.

Just then, my bedroom door opened. I quickly hid the napkin as my mom walked in.

   "Honey, Emma's here." Marry said.

   "Ok, I'll be right out." I replied.

   She nodded and walked out. I sighed and rubbed my eyes before following her.

   Emma sat on the couch, talking to my mom.

   "...You're to funny, Emma." Vanessa said with a laugh.

Emma smiled. "Thanks, Mrs. Cohen, I try."

I walked over and Emma stood up. "Ready to go?"

"Go where?" I asked.

"To the diner, duh."

I froze. 'What if Lindsay was there? What if she thinks I blew her off?'

"Blair? You coming or what?" Emma asked.

I snapped back to reality. "Uh... yeah."

I followed Emma out the door, saying goodbye to my parents before closing it.

We got in her car and drove off down the road.

It was silent for a while, before Emma spoke up. "You gonna talk to her?"

"What? Who?"

Emma glanced at me. "Really? You wanna play this game?"

I sighed. "Fine."

We walked into the diner and took seats at an empty table, the stunning blonde walking up to us shortly after.

"Hey, guys." She greeted.

"Hey... uh... sorry I didn't call. I've been busy." I said.

She smiled. "No worries. Actually I'm glad you came in today. I have an extra movie ticket, if you wanna join me?"

My face flushed. "Uh..."

"She'd love to." Emma answered for me.

I quickly looked at her, eyes wide.

"Great! I'll pick you up at seven." Lindsay said.

Emma placed our orders and Lindsay walked off, blowing a kiss at me.

I dropped my head on the table. "Why me?"

"Oh, c'mon. You're trying to get over Jane right?" Emma asked.

I just nodded.

"Then what's the big deal? You think Lindsay's cute right?"

I nodded again.

"Alright then, you're going on that date and you're gonna like it."

'But, what if I don't wanna go with Lindsay? What if I wanted to go with someone else..?'

After eating and paying, we left the diner and headed to the mall. Emma ensured me she'd pick out an outfit that would "knock her socks off."

I followed Emma through every clothes store in the mall. We flipped through every rack and she seemed to be disappointed with everything, until.

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