Chapter 11

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I laid in janes bed, cuddled up next to her while she lazily ran her hand through my hair.

"You're awfully quiet." She said.

I looked up at her with a small smile. "Sorry, I'm just thinking."

She smiled back. "What about?"

I looked down as a small blush creeped onto my cheeks. "Well, I haven't been able to get you out of my head since I got here..."

She brought her other hand up to my cheek and leaned down for a kiss. "Me neither..."

After a few minutes of silence, I spoke up. "I'm sad this weekend is coming to an end."

"I know... but, I should have enough money to move out soon. Then, you can come over whenever you want."

I smiled up at her. "Whenever I want?"

A small smile reappeared on her face. "Whenever you want."

I sat up and stretched a little. "Well, no point in mopping around on our last day."

She sat up as well. "What would you like to do today?"

"Hmm... let's bake a cake."

She laughed. "Why?"

I shrugged. "Why not?"

She let out another laugh and nodded. "Ok, let's bake a cake."

After getting dressed, we wandered downstairs into the kitchen and started pulling out the things we'd need to make the cake.

"Chocolate or vanilla frosting?" She asked, holding up two containers.

"Definitely chocolate."

She nodded. "A woman after my own heart."

'If only you knew.' I thought as I grabbed a carton of eggs from her fridge.

After mixing up the ingredients, we put the cake in the oven and started it.

I leaned against the counter. "So, what should we do while we wait?"

She dipped her finger in the frosting and dabbed my nose with it, giggling the whole time.

I gasped. "You'll pay for that."

I wiped the frosting off my nose and dabbed it on her cheek.

She laughed as she grabbed a bigger chunk of frosting this time. "You're on."

We laughed like school girls as we ran around the kitchen, throwing chunks of frosting at each other.

Eventually, we wound up on the floor, I sat on top of her, a little bit of frosting on my fingers.

"Truce?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded, slightly biting her lip.

I licked the rest of the frosting off my finger before leaning down and planting a soft kiss to her lips.

She licked her lips after. "You taste like frosting."

I giggled. "So do you."

I stood up and offered her a hand.

   She grabbed the now empty container of frosting and inspected it, then our clothes.

"I guess we have to use vanilla now." She said.

I smiled. "Fine by me."

After taking the cake out, we decided to clean up while we let it cool off.

Old Enough For Love (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now