Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes, scanning my surroundings. The early morning sun lit up the unfamiliar room I was in, the sound of quiet snoring coming from the spot next to me.

   I looked over and realized I was still in bed with Jane, naked.

'Shit.' I thought as I pulled out my phone, the string of missed texts from my parents and Emma lining the screen.

I slowly made my way out of Janes bed and started getting dressed when I heard her start to stir.

"Good morning." She said in almost a whisper.

"Uh... I should get going." I said as I quickly finished putting my clothes on.

I turned to leave as she stood up, also completely naked. I felt my cheeks heat up at the sight of her naked figure.

She gave me a small smirk. "Thanks for the ride."

"N-no... uh... no problem." I replied as I quickly made my way out of her room.

I was almost to the door when she stopped me. "Look, I might have been a little drunk, but I meant what I did." She said, a small smile on her lips.

I cleared my throat. "It was, um... fun... but, I should really get going." I replied nervously as I turned back towards the door.

I was almost out when she spoke up from behind me.

"Well, can I at least see you again?" She asked.

I stopped dead in my tracks. 'She really wanted to see me again?'

My cheeks turned a deeper red. "Uh... I guess we'll see." I replied before making a beeline for Emma's car.

I got in the drivers seat and put my head on the steering wheel. 'What the hell is wrong with me?'

My phone rang out from my pocket, causing me to jump.

   I answered it with a nervous hello.

"Hey, it's mom, where are you?" She asked.

"Uh... at Emma's, I'm leaving now." I said.

"Ok, sweetie, see you soon."

"Love you, mom."

"Love you to." She replied.

I hung up the phone and took one last glance at Janes house before starting the car and heading home...

I stuffed Emma's keys in my pocket before heading inside.

   My moms, Marry and Vanessa, greeted me at the door.

Yes, they were lesbians to. Vanessa met Marry in Australia for a school field trip thing and they've been together ever since.

   "How was graduation, sweetie?" Marry asked, her heavy Australian accent filling my ears.

   "It was good." I said before walking over to my room.

   "Heading off so soon?" Vanessa asked.

   I turned around. "Sorry, mom, long night. I'll catch up with you guys later."

   "Alright, go get some rest then, sweetie." Vanessa said.

   I nodded and walked into my room, collapsing on my bed. I pulled my phone out and called Emma.

   'I hope she's awake.' I thought.

   "Hello?" Came her groggy voice on the other end.

   "We need to talk." I said.

   "Ok, pick me up in an hour."

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