( 8. ) Grammar ✓

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Okay, we know that I can't go over eight years worth of English Literature class in this one chapter. This will just go over some of the basic issues that are seen all over Wattpad.

Let me start by saying, it is perfectly fine to make grammar mistakes. I do it often, as well as many others. It's best to look into your mistakes though, rather than being stubborn and ignoring them.

First things first: Their/There/They're and We're/Were

Their — Shows possession, of many or one. Can also stand for a genderless pronoun, because their is our friend when you use it correctly.

There — Shows location. Ex; "Look at those chickens over there." It explains that the chickens are where? There.

They're — "They are" contracted because we American people are too lazy to spell out the words, so they become one.

We're — "We are" also a contraction, but not to be confused with

Were — Can show passed time or passed being. Ex; "We were eating ice cream an hour ago." Make sure you match your verbs to passed tense when using were, because you can't say "We were eat ice cream an hour ago." Match. Your. Verb. Tense.

My last issue for this chapter will go over general slang. I often use incorrect grammar when texting someone or on social media, but it is very different when writing a book. Please, please, please do not write how you text or talk, unless the dialogue is meant to be that way.

"We was talkin" is equivalent to "We were talking." Big difference.

Also, with accents. The country accent, which I am so accustomed to, actually will often leaving the last letter off. If you do want to use this effect, use it with our trusty little apostrophe '

For example:

My name is Chet and I like deep sea fishin'.

Our friend, apostrophe, is at the end of what is supposed to be "fishing", serving a purpose of pronunciating the accent within that word.

update: I forgot to mention. If you struggle with words like "receive" and spelling things like that. Remember the "I before the E, except after C" rhyme. It works well, I promise.

I will go over commas and slang another time. :)


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