( 5. ) Character Details ✓

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Your character is not supposed to be perfect. Whether it be physical description or personality wise— give them some faults!

This makes your story so much more interesting if you can have your character muck up something so simple because of a flaw in their personality. It makes your story more dramatic, relatable, and funny. People like that and it's so much calmer to write rather than some perfection out of a box.

Traits are everything. Mention that your character is clumsy, or indecisive, or talks too much. They can stutter, say inappropriate things at inappropriate times, have weak immune systems that makes them get colds often. Anything! Flaw them up, because perfection is very unnecessary.

The more detail you give to your character's description, invites the reader in on how they look and act. It feels as if they sort of know your character, as well as you do too.

With this said, only add in faults if you know how to write them! For example, if your character has a sickness, make sure you research it throughly so you know exactly what to write. And if they just have freckles, don't mention them all them time and force your character to hate them. Though some features are deemed as "faults" in society, your character is allowed to love themself. Be sure to write that in for character development and overcoming.

There is a lot you can do to give personality to your own little creations. Know your character how you know yourself. A lot of the time, you will find yourself getting more attached to them this way, as well as your readers.

LESSON: Don't be bland and know your shit!

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