Lovely Sunshine

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It was past midnight and these files were keeping me awake. I mean who knew there was so much in just seven of these boys. I picked up the following file which happened to be to the tough one of the group.

Min Yoongi
Blood type: O
DOB: March 9, 1993
Birthplace: Daegu, South Korea
IQ: 138
Illness: PTSD, Depression, Suicidal

I frowned slightly while reading his illness. It was very relatable to me well to my past which I forcefully made an effort not to remember at the moment. I closed the file a little quicker than the rest and set it down. Pushing the growing thoughts in my head I decided to get up and head to the kitchen to pour myself some grape juice. My eyes glanced at the file that was sitting on the table, those files were taunting me to go back to read them once more as much I didn't want too but I had no choice if I wanted to learn more about then seven men. My feet slowly dragged its way back to the couch and my hands reached for another file.

Park Jimin
Height: 5'8"
Blood type: A
DOB: October 13, 1995
Birthplace: Busan, South Korea
Illness: Anorexia, Anxiety, Seasonal Affective Disorder.

It now made sense why he would not eat during their lunchtime. It also made sense why he wouldn't talk to me and hides behind Namjoon whenever I ask him a question. I think it was pretty cute but let's not get too hasty this is his struggle we are talking about. I closed his file and opened the last one...Jung Hoseok

Jung Hoseok
Blood type: A
DOB: February 18, 1994
Birthplace: Gwangju, South Korea
Illness: Bipolar disorder, PTSD, Paranoia.

I closed the last file and laid back on the couch, how are they so bonded? They should be afraid of each other. They should be distant but yet they are close...Like Brothers I guess this is was Jen was trying to tell me back then. I looked up at my ceiling while my eyelids started getting heavy then dozed off into a long-lasting sleep.


"Your first visit will be Hoseok so good luck Dr. Kuroi." Dr.Jen smiled while letting the black-haired young man walk into my newly appointed room. Dr. Jen made a final glance at both of us before shutting the door behind him. Hoseok looked at me then at my desk while slowly sitting on the chair across from my desk.

"Hello, Hoseok how was your day so far?" I asked while taking my seat. He looked at me once more and grinned.

"Today was funny! Namjoon and Jin were playing with some glasses and Namjoon being the god of destruction broke Jin's favorite glasses which of course made Jin sad and whine. It was funny because instead of being the oldest he was acting like a child but then again he says if act young we will not age so I take his word for it." He conversed with a loud voice. His appearance and his way of talking were quite warming like the sun. It made me want to smile when he starts smiling it was definitely contagious. I was beginning to wonder why he had that kind of problem that I read in his files when he himself was a ray of sunshine. My hand-scribbled against the notepad as I proceeded our session.

"Hmm, so Namjoon is the god of destruction because he destroys things easily?" I asked smiling at the thought of the young man destroying anything he touched. Hoseok nodded at my question. "I see" then my smile slowly dissolved as I looked at Hoseok who was still smiling, " Hoseok. Tell me about yourself?" I asked. I wanted to cancel the session here and there. I wanted I'm to be happy the rest of the day but I knew that wouldn't help him so I forcefully continued on and tried to get on a serious level with him. Hoseok blinked and sat back while thinking about my question.

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