Lovely sunshine pt Two

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This chapter will be from Hoseok point of view.

Hobi P.O.V
I walked down the hallway or should I say practically skipping down the hallway. Excitement filled inside me as I couldn't wait to tell my brothers about how different Dr. Kuroi was, even almost regret that I had doubted her into helping us. She was the opposite of our last Doctor or if I could even call her that after everything she had done to us. My eyes soon landed on the six who were talking amongst one another. I quickly made my way to them with a smile plastered on my face. "Hey, guys!" I sat down in between Jimin and Jungkook who were on their drawing books. These two are basically ones that have an artistic touch between all of us but when it comes to who is the very best is it's will definitely be Jungkook. He is basically good at everything which made Namjoon name him the golden Mankae because he was our golden boy who happens to be good at everything he does.

"Hey Hobi, how was Dr. Kuroi's session?" Jungkook asked while setting down his pencil then looking at me with excitement in his eyes. He was one of the others who were actually happy to have another doctor. I know the others are happy but they don't show it as our Jungkookie does but that didn't mean that they were all looked towards me waiting for my response which only proved my point even more. I smiled as I nodded my head giving them the answer that they hoped they wanted to hear because I don't think we could handle another doctor who wanted to "help us".

"She was great actually well except the part when I got angry and I yelled at her but when the male nurses came for me she had stopped them. She wasn't like Dr. JiYoon who would let the male nurses hurt us until she tells them to stop...." I frowned at the thought but it changed into a smile when I realize that the others were staring at me with concern looks on their face. I shortly put a smile on my face deciding to continue on with Hana "Instead, she told me to be calm and sit down which I did and I told her a little bit of myself as a thank you for her giving me a chance after I lashed out on her accidentally." I added before glancing at their faces they were unsure how to react to the feedback I had just given about Dr.Kuroi after all we all had our past experiences before she arrived here. We didn't trust anyone but ourselves when the former doctor was here and now that Hana appeared here before us we even expected the worst yet but I knew that we were slowly giving her the benefit of the doubt that Hana might be a bad person. Jimin was the first to react as he looked at me then back at the rest as he gave his soft smile as he was also excited to the feedback.

"Maybe we can actually give her a chance guys. Maybe she will help us after all she did give Yoongi a dairy." He added with a little giggle. All of us let out a laugh except for Yoongi who pouted but he held the black journal close to him afraid of one of us to get it but he wasn't wrong I've been trying to get that all day today.

"It's not a diary it's a journal." He spoke in defense once more. "..But perhaps we can..can we?" He leaned forward to see Namjoon. Now it was up to him to decide on this choice. Every one of us waited for his approval it was the unspoken rule. We all heavily trust Namjoon from the very beginning, he is like a leader to us it was unspoken but we all knew he was and I gotta feeling he knows too because he lead us before we ended up in here and he still doe. If we do something bad he would tell us to stop and give us an hour-long lecture of how we were not supposed to do bad but only good. He mostly did these things to Jungkook due to the fact that he was the youngest out of all of us. He would also scowl at us that we shouldn't depend on his very often but we couldn't help it he is our backbone to the family without him I don't think they would us. Namjoon looked at us and nodded after letting out a deep breath before noticing Jin lacing his hand with Namjoon's and giving it a slight squeeze.

"We can give her a chance..just this once alright." He spoke in his serious leader voice but to me, it felt like he was expecting it. There was silence in the room before we looked at each other cheered slightly but was interrupted by Dr. Jen or what we usually call him...Grandpa Jen.

"Boys! You know the rules no making noise while I'm taking a nap." He mumbles while dragging his feet towards us. He was our main doctor, the man who has every access to us from information to how many medications we are supposed to take. He isn't very emotional but he has been with us since day one. We see him as our guidance even though he wasn't very good at it or with words but he at least attempts before giving up and handing it to the female nurses. He was like a grumpy grandpa we had come to trust. He blinked and looked at us and made a confused look. "Why are you guys all smiley and everything because it is honestly creeping me the hell out." He pointed at all of us before crossing his arms waiting for our response.

"We are giving Dr. Kuroi a chance!" Called out Jungkook. Grandpa Jen smiled slightly. We could tell that he liked what he had heard.

"That was quick. I'm glad you kiddos like her because It's not like I tried my best to find a good one or anything."

"Oh, Grand-er I mean Dr. Jen?" Asked Jimin.


"How old is Dr. Kuroi?" Jimin asked while looking down at his shoes. There was silence before Grandpa Jen broken into a smile.

"Well she's Yoongi's age, she is very young so take it easy alright." Then that was it for Grandpa Jen and he left us once again. Jin smiled slightly as he looked at Jimin while giving Namjoon a side glance before looking back a Jimin. What is up with them?

"Jimin has a crush on Dr. Kuroi." He teased at the now blushing Jimin.

"Oooooooo Chim Chim!" I yelled with a little dance that made everyone laugh except Jimin who was now as red a tomato while hugging a pillow he grabbed nearby.

"N-no I don't I was just wondering that's all." He spoke while hugging his pillow even tighter. He was the shyest one of us all but we all teased him about it especially Jungkook who finds every way to tease him like his height for an example.

"Institutional hospital Playboy!" Called out Jungkook which made us all laugh which only made him whine more. This was the first time in a long time that we were joking around without having one of us looking over our shoulder for the woman. A woman who could come to use us like testing subjects but that's all in the past and we all hoped to not see her ever again because today we finally felt what is like to relax and be free in moments in our lives at least in a caged box but one day I want to actually have freedom. A day where I step foot into the earth's soil and dance away.


I laid down at my bed. It was now bedtime and we had already gone to our rooms after a long day of the usual routine. I had thought about the funny conversation we had about Jimin and Dr. Kuroi. I smiled trying to see what Jimin was trying to explain but I couldn't least not in the way he sees it. I glanced up at my ceiling which was covered up in glow in the dark stars and spoke up with the person inside me.

I don't see her that way, not the way Jimin sees her.
Inner Hobi: You don't?
No, I don't.
Inner Hobi: What do you see her as?
I see her as a new person who I will come to trust very deeply.
Inner Hobi: You will trust her?
Of course, I will trust her.
Inner Hobi: Do you think she will leave you All alone like your mother did?
(I frowned at my inner self.)No, I don't think she will leave...I hope not.
Inner Hobi: But what if she does? What if she's using us? just like your mom and JiYoon?
She is not using us and she won't leave I know she won't.
Inner Hobi: Why do you know so much?
Because....(I looked up and rising my hand on a glow in the dark Sun looking at it wistfully.).

She's my hope...She's my angel...She's My Sunshine...My Hope World

I hoped you guys liked the third chapter and Hobi's point of view! Also if you didn't get the last part Hobi was talking to his inner self. The dots are Hobi. () So if you don't realize yet this story will be mature so yeah so if your light-hearted I'm sorry *bows*  but I love me some good Drama book with intense plot stories. Also, I'm not really into happy endings but since this is Bts I might make a suggestion but I won't many promises I'm sorry again! *bows intensifies* other than that I hope you like my story. Thank you #ARMY!!

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