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(A\N: Warning: This story contains spoilers if you haven't watched past season/volume 3 of RWBY as it starts out on volume 4 chapter 6. The story also contains my RWBY Ocs, Honey [Sorren] Sorrel, Zayne Mayfair, Leo Phoenix, and Antoinette [Anny] Hare. There is no romance involved between the Harry Potter characters and the RWBY ones only between the characters of RWBY, if you don't like Oc inserts you don't have to read)

??? POV

That damned Potter and his no good friends Weasley and Mudblood have me in the Weasley car. Potter said they were going to attempt some sort of new spell that required four people, two pure bloods, a half blood, and a mud blood. (A\N: Can't remember if Harry is pure blood or half blood....)If I make it out alive my father will have to hear about this.

My thoughts were cut off with Weasley crashing straight into the womping willow due to his horrible driving skills just as Potter and Mudblood Granger muttering a spell

And then, my world went black.


When I woke up the horrid golden trio and I were in a pile in a strange room there was even stranger music playing in what sounded like the next room over....

             I'm not your pawn
      Not another thing you own
I was not born guilty of your crimes

.... I stood up and looked for an exit, seeing on at the opposite end of the room. I heard a few groans from behind me and when I turned and saw the three Griffindor idiots (A\N: If you can't tell who this is by now I'm disappointed :p)

"Tch. You better start explaining now. My father is most definitely going to hear about this you no good Griffindors!" Mudblood looked up at me and rolled her eyes, how dare that damn muggle born!

I scoffed and turned around swiftly making my way out the previously mentioned door. On the other side was a irritatingly long hall, the walls and ceiling a dark black. I walked slowly and carefully down the hall. It didn't look anything like Hogwarts, my manor, or anything else I've seen before.

I finally made it out of the hallway and saw a darkly lit room, large and filled with chairs. Near the entrance to the hall was a stage holding a group of four people.

The first was a pure white long haired girl in a dress that reached her feet, the dress was a gradient from dark blue to white and had a light shimmer to it. Her face was pale and she had blue eyes one of which had an unsightly scar on it.

The next was a male with short, messy dark blue hair that was almost black. He wore a very simple all black suit. His face was pale as the first female's, but he had striking red eyes, a mole placed right underneath one eye. He was sat at a fairly large piano.

The next was another female but this one with short brown hair and seemingly had animal ears of some sort. She wore a nude full length dress with little to no detail other than a long slit on either side exposing two gun halters, one on each leg. Her face was lightly tanned and she had plain hazel eyes and various moles on her face including one below her lip and one under each eye. She was stationed at another instrument.

The final person was another male, this one with reddish brown to rose gold hair in some sort of updo. He was wearing a simple button up white shirt with two buttons undone and a brown pinstripe vest buttoned over top, he had suit pants that matched the vest with a chain hanging from them. He had a face slightly tanner than the animal girl from before, he had dark brown, nearly black eyes and two earrings hanging down from one ear. He was sat at yet another instrument.

All four of the people looked to be around my age, in their mid to late teen years. (A\N: In this they're all 17 because that's how old the first year students from beacon are.)

The group slowed to a stop from their strange music as the three griffindors, that had joined me while I was analyzing the stage, and I rushed to four empty seats in the audience close by, trying to look like we belonged there. It was clear to me that we weren't in our world anymore, but where were we?

The next thing to happen was a man, perhaps in his mid to late sixties, walked out onto the stage sporting a blue suit, his hair white and his face wrinkled. "Ah yes, doesn't my daughter Weiss have just a lovely voice? And team Hazl (A\N: this isn't a spelling error, it's what their Hunter team is named), though lacking one of their members is quite alright too," the man paused, gesturing to the three stationed behind instruments, "In fact, why don't they play us a song in honor of this fundraiser. What do you say, Miss Sorrel?" The tan skinned girl simply nodded her head 'yes' walking up to the microphone where the two white haired people stood seconds before. The two males switched to the appropriate instruments as the music once again started up.

It was just fine,
We lived in peace,
Looked to a happy ending.

The days were bright,
They shined like gold,
Every step ascending.

Our dreams came true,
Our path was clear,
The moon watched safely from above.

But every smile,
Is not the same,
And every heart's not filled with...

Love for mankind;
Look around it's getting very hard to find.
Not every open wound is simply healed by time,
But revenge is always sweet,
And chaos is the price.

Feel it everywhere and you see it growing,
Enemies arise and the hate is flowing,
Shattering the moon and bloodying the sky.

The machines of war will fuel both sides,
And the greed will only grow more lies;
Farewell to days of peace 'cause now it's time to die.

Where did it go?
Our peaceful youth,
Seems to be gone forever.

And in its place,
A life of war,
Every truce has severed.

We'll live our lives,
Watching our backs,
Not knowing who to trust or fear.

The hate just swallows all the love,
And all the,
Truth will disappear...

Lost and blind;
Seems our dreams of peace have all been left behind.
It's always said white clouds aren't always silver lined,
But the future's looking bleak,
And the storm is set to rise.

Say goodbye.
Time to die.
Say goodbye.
Just say goodbye.
Time to die. (Die...)

Feel it everywhere and you see it growing,
Enemies arise and the hate is flowing,
Shattering the moon and bloodying the sky.

The machines of war will fuel both sides,
And the greed will only grow more lies;
Farewell to days of peace 'cause now it's time to die.

Die die die...

The audience started back up clapping before the same man from before came out "Now that we have you all warmed up with the music let us all move to the banquet hall for celebration." Everyone slowly stood up and made their way out of the room from entrances on the far side. The disgraces next to me and I went to leave only to be stopped by someone clearing their throat behind us.

We slowly turned around, afraid we might have been caught. "I saw...... you
enter....... from the backstage.... during the....... first song....... who are you?"

Cliffhanger bitches.
Word Count: 1289 words

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