Chapter Five: Welcome To The Team

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Fox held me protectively a slight blush coating my face from his closeness. I opened my mouth to continue, but Velvet cut me off,  "let's get you out of here."


We exited the building, the four that came with me trailing behind us with our food. I explained the situation to them as Coco led us all to her mini van. Coco and Yatsuhashi sat in the front. Coco forced me to sit on Fox's lap for her own shipping enjoyment and so we would have enough room Draco sat in the middle seat and Velvet next to him, the golden trio piling into the very back three seats.

Coco asked Draco where we were all headed after the coffee shop after telling me we would pick up my bike later on. I started to nod of in the warmth of Fox's arms and before I knew it we were at the book store. I woke up to Fox trying to get us out of the car without waking me up but failing when Draco decided to push us out. With my luck I would've landed on my face had Yatsuhashi not stopped our fall. Fox glared at Draco who only smirked back.

We all piled out of the car, this time with no mistake and went inside the book store.


Coco decided on our way back that we were all going to have a huge sleepover and forced Fox to ride my motor bike back with me.

The ride back was rather uneventful  and when I told everyone that I had to work all night Fox volunteered himself to staying with me all night. Blush cane to my face thinking about it.

I had spilled our plans to run away to Mistral within the first hour we spent together, I swear this boy is my weakness. I was shocked when he pulled out a red notebook with a white fox on the cover, something that I had gifted to him only a week into our friendship. He started writing:

What if I came with you?

I looked at him, shocked. "You would?" He nodded, the trace of a smile on his lips. "But what about your team?" He wrote something else:

I'll tell them to meet me in Mistral, we were going to transfer there anyways.

I nodded, "I can't say no, now can I?" He shook his head, a playful look in his eyes. I giggled softly and let my head rest on his shoulder. "All right, we plan to leave tomorrow. Need me to drive you anywhere so you can pick up anything?" He shook his head again, returning to writing:

Everything of mine is in Coco's car I'll pick it up in the morning before we leave.

I nodded slightly before I began to drift off in his presence.


It was time for us to put our plan into action.

We all crept towards his study, making sure he was well into an argument with the General before being led through the library and into the manor's secret passageways.

When we made it to the cargo plane we had made a deal with we all crept aboard.

Fox wanna stay with his bihh
Word Count: 545 words

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